SP - Spanish (SP)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

SP 501. Spanish for Reading and Research. (3 Credits)

Intensive examination of the grammatical structures and high-frequency vocabulary of Spanish to equip students to read relevant scholarship in their area of specialization, and. as applicable, to prepare students for a graduate school language examination in Spanish. Open to all graduate students. Offered on sufficient demand.

Course Fees: $60

SP 505. Survey of Spanish Literature I. (3 Credits)

This course studies Spanish literature from its origins in the 9 Century with the jarchas through the Siglo de Oro and into Romanticism. It will acquaint students with the major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. In addition, this course focuses on literary analysis and critical study of Spanish literature through focused research of primary and secondary sources. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

Course Fees: $60

SP 506. Survey of Spanish Literature Ii. (3 Credits)

This course studies Spanish literature from Romaticism to present-day, emphasizing the Generación del ‘98 and literature of the Spanish Civil War. It will acquaint students with the major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. In addition, this course focuses on literary analysis and critical study of Spanish literature through focused research of primary and secondary sources. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

Course Fees: $60

SP 510. Survey of Latin American Literature I. (3 Credits)

This course studies Latin American literature from its pre-Columbian origins to Moderaismo. It will acquaint students with the major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. In addition, this course focuses on literary analysis and critical study of Spanish literature through focused research of primary and secondary sources. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

Course Fees: $60

SP 511. Survey of Latin American Literature II. (3 Credits)

This course studies Latin American literature from Modernismo to present-day, with special focus on the Vanguardia and the Boom. It will acquaint students with the major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. In addition, this course focuses on literary analysis and critical study of Spanish literature through focused research of primary and secondary sources. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

Course Fees: $60

SP 590. Special Topics in International Studies: Abroad. (3 Credits)

This course, conducted entirely in Spanish, will provide students with a detailed study of a particular international studies topic of special interest while traveling in/through a specific foreign country or countries. Topics will vary depending on the destination country. The purpose of the class is to assist graduate students in identifying important social, historical, cultural, economic, and other issues affecting a country, then researching the expression of and reaction to these issues in the country as well as the international community. Students will be assigned relevant readings that identify and analyze cultural elements significant to the destination country, prepare and conduct a research project relevant to their field of academic study and interests, and present their findings to the rest of the group traveling abroad. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

SP 601. Spanish Golden Age Prose: The Picaresque. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on the development of picaresque narrative and on broader issues of narrative theory and criticism, including the question of “the modern novel.” The primary texts are the anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes, Mateo Alemán’s Guzmán de Alfarache, Francisco de Quevedo’s La vida del buscon, and Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo’s La hija de Celestina. Readings will be accompanied by an examination of critical studies and of relevant theoretical matters.

Course Fees: $60

SP 602. The Spanish Realist Novel. (3 Credits)

This seminar explores the Spanish realist novel through the reading of texts by authors including Leopoldo Alas “Clarin,” Benito Perez Galdos, and Emilia Pardo Bazán, among others. It is a study of the poetics of the Spanish realist novel as well as the social, historical, and cultural background of the period. Some of the topics to be discussed will be: the problematic of representation, the obsession with the fabrication of people, the politics of gender and sex, the relation of the novel with other art forms and media, the historical conditions of existence of the realist novel, and the social function of literature, its actual or intended performative value.

Course Fees: $60

SP 611. Las mujeres del modernismo y del posmodernismo. (3 Credits)

The course is designed to explore the nature of modernismo, as represented by the poetry of Ruben Dario, and the view of women that it engendered, reinforced, and/or disseminated. It further seeks to examine the way three important female writers, Delmira Agustini, Alfonsina Storni, and Gabriela Mistral, appropriated and redefined modernista discourse, the vision of artistic creation, and the image of woman.

Course Fees: $60

SP 612. La novela del Boom. (3 Credits)

This course is a study on the literary phenomenon of the 1960s in Latin America known as “The Boom.” The primary focus of this course is on several key authors from the period, including Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Mario Vargas Llosa, among others. This course will examine the social, historical, and cultural events surrounding the emergence of the Boom novels onto the international scene, as well as critical response to the authors and their works and the literary impact of the Boom novels on Latin American narrative.

Course Fees: $60

SP 621. Lingüistica aplicada del espanol. (3 Credits)

This course is a comprehensive seminar for graduate students of Spanish Education which emphasizes the understanding and application of linguistics concepts and Spanish structures, as well as second language acquisition (SLA) theories and their applications in language education.

Course Fees: $60

SP 651. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course numbers 651 and 652 are reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances.

Course Fees: $60

SP 652. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course numbers 651 and 652 are reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances. When offered they are identified by department, content, and credit.

Course Fees: $60