Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be honorable and observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. Additionally, students are expected to behave in an ethical manner. Individuals who disregard the core values of truth and honesty bring disrespect to themselves and the University. A university community that allows academic dishonesty will suffer harm to the reputation of students, faculty, and graduates.

It is in the best interest of the entire University community to sanction any individual who chooses not to accept the principles of academic honesty by committing acts such as cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation. Offenses are reported to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs for referral to the University Student Conduct System for disposition.

Students of the University academic community are expected to adhere to commonly accepted standards of academic honesty. Allegations of academic dishonesty can reflect poorly on the scholarly reputation of the University including students, faculty, and graduates. Individuals who elect to commit acts of academic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with university policy.

Incidents of possible student academic dishonesty will be addressed in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. The instructor is responsible for investigating and documenting any incident of alleged academic dishonesty that occurs under the instructor’s purview.
  2. If the instructor finds the allegation of academic dishonesty to have merit, then the instructor, after a documented conference with the student, will develop a plan for disciplinary action. If the student agrees to this plan, then both instructor and student will sign the agreement. The faculty member will forward a copy of the signed agreement to the Office of Student Conduct for record-keeping purposes.
  3. If the student disagrees with the instructor’s proposed plan for disciplinary action and wishes to take further action, the student is responsible for scheduling a meeting with the chair of the department where the course is housed to appeal the proposed disciplinary plan. The department chair shall mediate the matter and seek a satisfactory judgment acceptable to the faculty member based on meetings with all parties. If a resolution is reached, the disposition of the case will be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct. If a resolution at the departmental level is not reached and the student wishes to take further action, they are responsible for scheduling a meeting with the dean of the college where the course is housed to appeal the proposed disciplinary plan. The college dean shall mediate the matter and seek a satisfactory judgment acceptable to the faculty member based on meetings with all parties. If a resolution is reached, the disposition of the case will be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct. If a resolution at the college level is not reached and the student wishes to take further action, they are responsible for scheduling a meeting with the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs to appeal the proposed disciplinary plan. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs shall mediate the matter and seek a satisfactory judgment acceptable to the faculty member based on meetings with all parties. After reviewing all documentation, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs may, at their discretion, choose either to affirm the proposed action, to refer the case to the Office of Student Conduct for further review, or to dismiss the matter depending on the merits of the case. The final disposition of the case will be disseminated to appropriate parties, including the Office of Student Conduct.
  4. If a student is allowed academic progression but demonstrates a repeated pattern of academic dishonesty, the Provost/EVPAA may, after consultation with the Office of Student Conduct, assign additional penalties to the student, including removal from the University.