Viewing: Graduate Faculty Application for Mary Ann Parker

Last approved: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:46:45 GMT

Last edit: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:34:52 GMT

Changes proposed by: ssiniard
Graduate Faculty Application
Fall 2023
Undergraduate and Graduate
Graduate Faculty Application for Mary Ann Parker
Mary Ann Parker
Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
College of Education and Human Sciences
SACSCOC Credentials Guidelines:
1. Faculty teaching undergraduate general education and/or baccalaureate courses: Doctorate or Master’s degree in the teaching discipline or Master’s degree with a concentration in the discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
2. Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work: Earned Doctorate/ terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline (a minimum of 18 hours above the Master’s degree in the teaching discipline).
ED 440: Methods and Materials for Teaching English/Language Arts- This course examines the practical aspects of teaching English/Language Arts in the secondary classroom. Topics include grammar, composition, literature, speech, and drama.
ED 540: Methods and Materials for Teaching English/Language Arts - Practical aspects of teaching English/Language Arts in the secondary classroom. Topics will include grammar, composition, literature, speech, and drama.
ED 625: Digital Literacy- This course provides students with an overview of best practices and characteristics of instructional environments with digital content. Students will explore frameworks for designing instruction to address how people think and learn in a global society, participate in a digital culture, design solutions to authentic problems, create innovative products using digital tools, and share knowledge within networks
ED 634: Advanced Methods of Teaching Grades 6-12- Intensive study of current literature and analysis of research applied to classroom teaching
Edse 625: Trends and Issues in Secondary Education 3hrs
Edci 601: Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice 3hrs
Edci 657: Information Technology for Professional Educators 3hrs
Edse 642: Advanced Methods of Teaching English 3hrs
Edci 503: Msmt & Eval for the Classroom Teacher 3hrs
Edfd 609: The Cultural Context of Education 3hrs
Does this faculty member hold a terminal degree in this discipline or a related field?
PhD in Secondary Education
Additional Qualifications Complete this section to provide additional qualifications to meet the SACSCOC credentials guidelines. Identify all additional qualifications that apply and explain each item in the justification textbox. Indicate the dates of these additional qualifications and clearly describe the relationship between these qualifications and the course content and/or the expected outcomes of the course(s) assigned to faculty member. Supporting documents such as vita, copies of licenses and certificates, etc., should be submitted with this form by clicking the "attach file" link below. External validation of additional qualifications should be supported by these supplemental documents.
Michelle Nelson (mlnelson1) (Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:34:52 GMT): This application was unanimously approved by the Associate Deans following the summer protocol.
Key: 224