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Viewing: Educational Records

Last approved: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 22:17:25 GMT

Last edit: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:30:59 GMT

New Policy or Policy Revision
Fall 2021
Undergraduate and Graduate
Educational Records
General - Not Department Specific
General - Not College Specific
SACSCOC Credentials Guidelines:
1. Faculty teaching undergraduate general education and/or baccalaureate courses: Doctorate or Master’s degree in the teaching discipline or Master’s degree with a concentration in the discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
2. Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work: Earned Doctorate/ terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline (a minimum of 18 hours above the Master’s degree in the teaching discipline).
Does this faculty member hold a terminal degree in this discipline or a related field?

Additional Qualifications Complete this section to provide additional qualifications to meet the SACSCOC credentials guidelines. Identify all additional qualifications that apply and explain each item in the justification textbox. Indicate the dates of these additional qualifications and clearly describe the relationship between these qualifications and the course content and/or the expected outcomes of the course(s) assigned to faculty member. Supporting documents such as vita, copies of licenses and certificates, etc., should be submitted with this form by clicking the "attach file" link below. External validation of additional qualifications should be supported by these supplemental documents.
There are still some hard copy documents stored with VRC and in the Lektriever in the Registrar's Office. As we move to scan these documents into digital records, we wanted to clarify what constitutes a permanent educational record:

Educational Records

Storage and access to educational records:

Prior to 1994, permanent educational records were hard copy documents that were kept in secure storage systems and offices.

After 1994, educational records became a combination of hard copy documents and digital records in the student information system (SIS).

In 2012, the Banner Document Management system (BDM) was implemented, and the process of scanning hard copy educational records into digital records began. Currently, processes are in place to have all hard copy educational records digitized into the Banner Document Management system. UNA faculty and staff who are granted secure access to hard copy or digitized student records must complete IT security training, FERPA training, and training on accessing/indexing student records in BDM.

The permanent educational record of the student consists of the following:

Undergraduate Students:
• Admission application(s) for the term the student was enrolled.
• All high school and college transcripts that have been submitted to UNA.
• Test scores that have not been directly uploaded into the student information system
• All acceptance letters, transient approvals, and documentation used to update a
student’s biographic/demographic record.
• All classes taken at UNA and grades earned for those classes.
• All transcript notations and comments.
• All degrees awarded from UNA.

Graduate Students:
• Admission application and decision notification for the term the student was enrolled.
• All degree granting transcripts used for admission that have been submitted to UNA.
• Transient approval for graduate transient students.
• Official transcript and transfer approval form for graduate transfer credit.
• All classes taken at UNA and grades earned for those classes.
• All transcript notations and comments.
• All degrees awarded from UNA.
Renee Vandiver (rpvandiver) (Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:30:59 GMT): Approved by COAD on 12-7-20.
Key: 72