Special Programs
The Department of Military Science is a cooperative venture between the United States Army and the University of North Alabama. The program provides a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program with a mission of commissioning students as officers in the Army upon completion of a baccalaureate degree. Satisfactory completion of the program may lead to a Minor in Military Science. The program provides students an opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills necessary in the Army and in society. The emphasis of the program is on leadership development. Students are challenged to apply accepted leadership theory to practical situations. A theoretic basis of knowledge is developed through attendance in military science classes and courses offered in colleges throughout the University. The program is only available to full-time students.
There are two program options: a four-year program and a two-year program. These two programs are addressed below.
The four-year program is divided into two phases, the Basic Course and the Advanced Course.
Basic: The Basic Course is taken during the freshman and sophomore years. These courses are open to all students on an elective basis. The courses, taught to meet the requirements to enter into the Advanced Program, incur no military obligation and are open to all registered full-time students. Basic Course curriculum focuses on introductory leadership theory, basic military knowledge and skills, and the Army’s role in national security policy and practices.
Advanced: The Advanced Course is taken during the junior and senior year of the four-year program. Students in this program must have completed the Basic Course, have two years remaining in college, and enter into a contract with the United States Army to serve as an officer in the active or reserve forces upon graduation.
Advanced Course students take classes in advanced leadership and participate in leadership laboratories where they apply theories of leadership in practical situations. Enrollment in the Advanced Course requires the approval of the Professor of Military Science.
The two-year program is designed for students who did not take Army ROTC during their first two years of college and for students entering or progressing in a two-year postgraduate course of study. Students can qualify for the Advanced Course in a number of ways. Prior enlisted personnel and members of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve receive Basic Course credit for successful completion of Basic Training. Successful completion of the four-week ROTC Cadet Initial Entry Training course (CIET) also qualifies students for the Advanced Course. The Professor of Military Science may also award Basic Course credit for satisfactory participation in Junior ROTC or for completion of an approved alternative course of study within the Department of Military Science. Students must meet the following requirements in order to attend the Cadet Initial Entry Training course: overall GPA of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, have junior standing, and meet medical and physical fitness standards. Approval for attendance is required from the Professor of Military Science.
The Office of Continuing Education
The University offers a wide variety of continuing education courses ranging from general interest topics to credit courses. The Office of Continuing Education also conducts training courses for area businesses and industries. Other programs help professionals keep pace with rapidly changing developments in their respective fields. For more information, contact the Office of Continuing Education. https://www.una.edu/continuing-education/index.html
Testing Services
National test programs including the ACT, SAT, CLEP, PRAXIS, DSST, and MAT are given through University Advising Services. Contact University Advising Services for more information or visit http://www.una.edu/successcenter/uas/. (Information about the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program may be obtained from the Office of Teacher Certification in the College of Education and Human Sciences.)
Cooperative Education Program
Cooperative Education provides the student an opportunity to gain paid work experience while attending college. When enrolled in coursework the student has a regular course schedule. While on CO-OP, students work with professionals in their field who supervise their training and work. The program includes numerous majors but is geared towards the technical fields such as geography and geographic information systems, industrial hygiene and chemistry, computer science and computer information systems, environmental biology, and the engineering technology fields. Students usually enter the program after their freshman or sophomore year. Being registered in the CO-OP course maintains full-time student status with regards to health insurance, student loan deferment, and priority registration for the next semester. There are three program options: alternating, parallel, and professional practice. Permission for participation in any of the programs is required from the Career Center in coordination with the academic department.
Alternating CO-OP
A three semester rotation with the student working fulltime (no class attendance) one semester, going to school full-time the next semester and rotating until the student has worked a total of 52 weeks, or one year, with the same employer. Work responsibilities are based on the students’ academic major. Each work assignment has a work plan that is discussed with the student’s advisor, has increasing responsibilities, and contains an employer evaluation component. There is no academic credit awarded for working the CO-OP.
Parallel CO-OP
Is for students who are not working full-time (20-25 hours per week) and who desire to take courses along with working (minimum of six course hours). Students must have enough time remaining before graduation to do three work terms. (See above). Work responsibilities are based on the students’ academic major. Each work assignment has a work plan that is discussed with the student’s advisor, has increasing responsibilities, and contains an employer evaluation component. There is no academic credit awardee for working the CO-OP.
Professional Practice Program
Meets the unique needs of students who are seeking a single work experience or some other unique experience not met by an established departmental internship program. Professional Practice is an option available to students who have received a job opportunity requiring them to work fulltime for an entire semester. The Professional Practice Program is a less stringent program allowing students to satisfy the employer request that a student will be recommended as CO-OP eligible even when there is no guarantee there will be an additional work rotation requirement. Examples include the Disney Internship Program (where the student is ineligible for internship credit) and requests from Redstone Arsenal. These are one-semester only programs. The Professional Practice Program does not have an employer evaluation component. Inquiries concerning the program and procedures for application should be directed to the Career Center.
Career Center
Career advising is available to assist students in making educational and career decisions. Services are also offered to aid students and alumni in job search efforts through a variety of programs and workshops including on-campus interview opportunities, résumé reviews, mock interviews, online career registration (full- and part-time job listings), and career events. A variety of related resources and a list of events can be found at www.una.edu/career/ or by calling (256) 765-4276.
Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory
The University, along with 21 other colleges and universities in the State, is a member of the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium (MESC) with the instructional and laboratory facilities located at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Summer instruction in marine science courses is available to eligible University of North Alabama students and constitutes a part of the university’s programs in biology and marine biology as outlined in the section for the Department of Biology.
Distance Learning Program
The University offers an ever-expanding array of courses and programs via the Distance Learning Program. Classes are taught primarily online, with supplemental video available for selected classes. Distance Learning makes higher education available to students who experience scheduling conflicts caused by geographic distances, employment, family responsibilities, and other variables. Students in the Early College program are allowed enrollment in distance learning courses.
For additional information, please visit the Distance Learning website at http://www.una.edu/distance/. Information may also be obtained from the dean’s office or academic department offering the program.
Foreign Travel and Study
From time to time the University sponsors special student tours to foreign countries, usually in interim sessions and for periods from one to three weeks. Academic credit in the general elective area may be earned through studies in conjunction with such tours under the designations and requirements prescribed for the Intercultural Experience (See “Colleges and Programs,’’ College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering: Special Courses). Arrangements also may be made for students from this University to participate in appropriate foreign study programs sponsored by other accredited universities and recognized agencies.
The Magellan Exchange program offers students the opportunity to study or intern for a semester or year through an exchange program with partner universities abroad. For more information on these programs, please consult http://www.magellanexchange.org or contact the Office of International Affairs at http://www.una.edu/international/. See also under “Study Abroad” below. Students who have earned academic credits abroad outside UNA sponsored programs must have their transcripts evaluated by World Education Services, Inc. (WES, https://www.wes.org/).
Honors Program in English
Any student with exceptional aptitude in English and literature as indicated by ACT/SAT scores may enter the Honors Program in English. The program includes special courses of study in First Year Composition (121–122) and Honors Literature Surveys (British, Honors Survey of British Literature (EN 211H), Honors Survey of British Literature (EN 212H): American, Honors American Literature through Whitman (EN 221H), Honors American Literature for Whitman to the Present (EN 222H): World, Honors Literature of the World I (EN 231H), Honors Literature of the World II (EN 232H)), and eligibility for the Honors Seminar in Literature (304). Students who complete the 15–hour honors sequence with a 3.0 average or higher on the last nine hours will be designated in commencement programs as graduating with “honors in English” and a notation will be made on their transcripts. Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty (as defined in English Department policy) in any English course will become ineligible to complete the sequence or to graduate with “honors in English.”
First-Year Experience Program
The First-Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help new students achieve three goals: first, it helps students get oriented to UNA; second, it helps students develop critical academic and personal management skills; and third, it enables students the opportunity to explore majors and career possibilities. The most visible dimension to the program is the seminar component which is taught by faculty or trained UNA professional staff. All first-time, full-time freshmen students under the age of 24 and all transfer students entering with less than 24 credit hours of college-level credit are required to complete FYE 101 during their first semester of enrollment at UNA. Non-traditional freshman students (24 years of age or older), transfer students not described above, and Honors College students have the option of whether or not to complete an FYE 101 course. Each section has its own lens for exploring the goals stated above. In addition to the seminar, the FYE Program maintains close ties with other support offices in both academic and student affairs, especially University Advising Services.
Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College
The Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College is a distinguished degree option for outstanding students at UNA. The Honors Program is open primarily to entering first year students; second year and transfer students may be admitted on a case by case basis. Students in all majors and colleges may participate in the Honors Program. Students seeking a nursing degree might be eligible for the first time freshman early Admission (EAdm) Option. For more information contact the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professionshttp://www.una.edu/nursing/index.html. Prospective students may apply at any time, but space is limited. Admission to the Honors Program is selective. The curriculum consists of two tracks: University Honors Track and Dual Degree Track. There are no additional credit hours beyond the hours required for a typical degree. Honors courses typically replace required courses in the university curriculum and in individual majors. To remain in the Honors Program all students must maintain a 3.25 GPA, adhere to university policies, participate in program activities, and make satisfactory progress toward completion of the academic requirements. Students who complete the program receive the appropriate designation on their transcripts.
University Honors Program Track
Code | Title | Hours |
Honors Forum | ||
Honors Capstone Project | ||
Civic Enagagement Requirement | ||
Experiential Learning Requirement | ||
Experience with Other Cultures Requirement | ||
21 total hours of honors coursework | 21 |
Honors Capstone Project
Three to six-hour directed undergraduate research project in students’ individual majors.
Honors Civic Engagement Requirement
Students identify a platform of civic engagement during the fall of the second year and complete 10-15 hours per semester of targeted community service thereafter.
Honors Experiential Learning Requirement
Students must engage in some form of experiential learning related to their major field while at UNA to include, but not limited to, an internship, practicum, co-op, paid employment, job shadowing, or discipline-specific volunteering.
Honors Experience With Other Cultures Requirement
Can be met through different mechanisms to include, but not limited to, formal study abroad, two years of foreign language study at UNA, two years of service in the Language Partner Program, study “away” in a different region of the U.S., or an alternative break project approved by the Dean of the Honors College. For more detailed information, contact honors@una.edu, or visit the Honors Program web site at http://www.una.edu/honors/.
University Honors Program Dual Degree Track
The Honors Program Dual Degree Track allows students to complete Honors requirements at UNA and potentially to complete Honors requirements at a partner institution as a part of a UNA Dual Degree Program.
Code | Title | Hours |
Honors Forum | 3 | |
18 total hours of Honors credit 1 | 18 | |
Total Hours | 21 |
- 1
Which can include Honors courses and/or Honors credit granted at either institution.
Students in the Honors Program at UNA must remain in a dual degree sequence to follow the University Honors Dual Degree Track. For more detailed information regarding the UNA Honors Program, contact honors@una.edu, or visit http://www.una.edu/honors/.
Among the special facilities at the University is a planetarium-observatory. The planetarium contains a Spitz projector and provides seating for 65. The connecting observatory includes a 14-inch Newtonian telescope, an 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, and a rotating dome. This facility serves regular university classes in astronomy and Earth science. In addition, special showings may be scheduled for the general public and for school, college, civic, and other groups at minimal charges. Groups who wish to schedule showings should contact the Department of Chemistry and Physics at https://www.una.edu/chemistryandphysics/index.html
University Success Center

The University Success Center works with students at all levels to develop the personal and academic knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for university success. The Success Center staff will help students adjust to college life by developing critical skills in time and resource management, and academic skills in test preparation, test-taking, note-taking, and studying. The Center houses University Advising Services, which coordinates academic advising at the pre-major level and among specific demographics, offers testing opportunities for Praxis, SAT, MAT and other exams, and provides tutorial services in most disciplines. The Center also houses the Mathematics Learning Center and the Center for Writing Excellence which provide consulting, tutorial, and supplemental instruction in math and writing.
University Advising Services
University Advising Services (UAS) provides advising assistance for students in transition from one major to another and academic counseling for conditionally admitted students as well as those who are on Academic Warning and Academic Probation. UAS coordinates academic advising university-wide and offers academic programming for all entering students during orientation sessions. Other programming to promote academic success includes group and individual tutoring as well as study skill instruction. Students are welcome to stop by UAS, second floor of Collier Library, for assistance.
Career Center
Career advising is available to assist students in making educational and career decisions. Services are also offered to aid students and alumni in job search efforts through a variety of programs and workshops including on-campus interview opportunities, résumé reviews, mock interviews, online career registration (full- and part-time job listings), and career events. A variety of related resources and a list of events can be found at www.una.edu/career/ or by calling (256) 765-4276.
Center for Writing Excellence
The mission of the UNA Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) is to provide the university community with writing assistance and resources, and to provide support related to writing in the disciplines. The CWE uses trained peer consultants to provide individualized and group tutoring and addresses issues with writing, reading, and critical thinking. Support is offered for any major, in any class, and for the entirety of a student’s UNA career. By supplying individuals with these services, the CWE offers learning opportunities and support which build a stronger academic community.
Mathematics Learning Center

The Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) is an integral part of the University Success Center. The MLC provides students with resources to become independent learners in mathematics. The center offers one-on-one peer consultations, small group help sessions, and whole-class supplemental instruction.
Presidential Mentors Academy

Presidential Mentors Academy was established in 1997 under the leadership of Dr. Ernestine Davis in conjunction with the University President’s Office to develop a scholarship, mentoring and leadership development program for underrepresented minority high school graduates who demonstrate excellence in academic and community leadership. The mission of the academy is to select and mentor students who demonstrate leadership potential, academic excellence and dedication to community service.
The objective is to help students become effective and efficient leaders both on campus and in the community by providing educational opportunities and events that allow interaction with different cultures, experience in different occupational settings and other interactive experiences. They also serve as ambassadors and recruiters for the University and hosts for University events, participate in workshops and community service events, and serve as peer mentors within the academy.
Contact email: pma@una.edu
Center for Women's Studies
Center for Women’s Studies (CWS) was established in 2004 to educate the campus and Shoals community about women’s and gender issues. Unlike other campus Women’s Resource Centers, the CWS is a “hybrid” center that coordinates the interdisciplinary Women’s Studies minor and sponsors programs, presentations, and exhibits that focus on the topics of women & gender—providing informational programs concerning gender-based violence is of special importance. Additionally, CWS is an inclusive social center that welcomes all students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Contact email: abergner@una.edu