Master of Science Degree in Geographic Information Science

Requirements for the MS in Geographic Information Science

**This program is closing and will no longer accept students as of August 1, 2024. A teach-out plan pending SACSCOC approval is in place for any currently enrolled students so that they may complete this program**

The Master of Science Degree in Geographic Information Science requires a minimum of 33 semester hours and includes the following core and options:

Core Classes9
Geographic Methods in Design
Seminar in Geospatial Science
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography
Thesis or Culminating Project - Select one from the following:24
Thesis Option 2
Thesis (6 hours)
Thesis and Research and Defense
18 hours from 500-600 electives 1
Culminating Project Option 3
Research (6 hours)
Thesis and Research and Defense
18 hours from 500-600 electives 1
Total Hours33

No more than 6 hours of field courses may count towards credit for the MS in Geographic Information Science degree.  No more than 12 hours of courses taken at the 500 level may count towards credit for the MS in Geographic Information Science degree.  Students may take up to 9 credit hours of graduate coursework at UNA outside the department, with advisor and department approval. Courses taken at the undergraduate level in the department which are cross-listed as 400/500, may not be retaken for credit towards the MS in Geographic Information Science degree. Courses with blanket course numbers (e.g., Special Topics (GE 597)) that have different titles are exempt from this limitation.


Students choosing the Thesis Option must complete a minimum of six hours of Thesis (GE 695),in addition to the core and 18 additional hours from the 500-600 level electives.


Students choosing the Culminating Project Option must complete a minimum of six hours of directed research(Research (GE 692)) in addition to the core and 18 additional hours from the 500-600 level electives. Students selecting this option will be required to complete one culminating project. The project will be supervised by a faculty member within the department and include a second reader. The project will be publicly presented and submitted as a paper.