Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Remote Sensing

Requirements for the Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Remote Sensing

GE 554Remote Sensing4
GE 654Advanced Remote Sensing (Advanced Remote Sensing)3
Choose two from the following courses:
GE 584Advanced GIS4
GE 615Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography3
GE 624Applied Remote Sensing3
GE 664GIS Programming (GIS Programming)3
GE 674Web GIS (Web GIS)3
GE 684Spatial Modeling and Analysis in Geographic Information Science3
GE 685GIS Applications - Business Analytics (GIS Applications-Business Analytics)3
GE 686Remote Sensing Applications - Remote Sensing for Hazards Analysis (Remote Sensing Applications-Remote Sensing for Hazards Analysis)3
GE 688Modeling and Analysis in GIS (Spatial Modeling)3
Total Hours:13-14