Admission to the University

Students who are seeking admission or readmission to the University must file appropriate documents with the Office of Admissions located in the Wendell W. Gunn University Commons. Regardless of intended major, all applications, with the exception of international students, are processed in this office. High school transcripts are evaluated in this office, along with standardized test scores and other required admission-related items. In the case of transfer students, academic records are examined to determine eligibility for transfer credit.
The academic programs in business, educator preparation, and nursing have special admission requirements in addition to the general admission requirements. Acceptance to UNA does not necessarily constitute admission to any of these programs. Students who desire to enter educator preparation or nursing should refer to the related sections in this catalog, visit the UNA website, and/or consult with the dean of the associated college for specific admission criteria.
Admission Policies
UNA Nondiscrimination Statement
UNA adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in public institutions of higher education. UNA will not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran or military status, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any resolution process on campus or within the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or other human rights agencies. UNA policies specifically prohibit the discrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, Title IX regulations including C.F.R. 106. Inquiries related to the application of Title IX may be made to the UNA Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Administrator or the Assistant Secretary of Education in the Office for Civil Rights.
UNA policies cover nondiscrimination in employment and in access to educational opportunities. Therefore, any member of the campus community who acts to deny, deprive or limit the educational, employment, residential and/or social access, benefits and/or opportunities of any member of the campus community, guest or visitor on the basis of their actual or perceived membership in the protected classes listed above is in violation of this UNA statement on nondiscrimination. The University will consider, through appropriate and designated procedures, the report of any member of the university community who has reason to believe he/she has been affected by discrimination as listed above. Non-members of the campus community who engage in discriminatory actions within university programs or on university property are not under the jurisdiction of this policy, but can be subject to actions that limit their access and/or involvement with university programs as the result of their misconduct. All vendors serving the university through third-party contracts are subject by those contracts to the policies and procedures of their employers.
Reports of sex-or gender-based discrimination may be made to UNA Title IX, UNA Box 5023, 202 Guillot University Center, Florence, AL 35632, 256-765-4223,
Reports of other forms of discrimination may be reported to the following areas:
- Human Resources 256-765-4291 or
- Student Conduct 256-765-5012 or
- University Ombudsman 256-765-5224
Reports may also be submitted through the Student Complaint Process available at
Admissions Appeal Policy
The University of North Alabama uses a holistic approach in reviewing applications for admissions to the University. Each application is reviewed and given careful consideration. Admission to UNA is competitive.
Freshmen & Transfer
If a student does not meet UNA's minimum admission requirements and is denied admission, a student must submit a written appeal, or an appeal may be submitted on the student's behalf by a University official (e.g., faculty member, Admissions recruiter, athletic coach, etc.) to the Director of Admissions for review by the Admission Review Committee (see below for more information about the Committee). For student-athletes, the appeal must be supported and approved by the Director of Athletics. The Committee will review the following information:
• The student's admission file
• Any supporting documentation provided by the University official including a statement of rationale for appeal, a plan for academic support during the student's time at UNA written by the University official and
• A statement from the student on why admission should be granted.
The Committee may recommend to approve or deny the appeal via the University's Alternative Admission procedure. The Committee's recommendation will be provided to the Chief Enrollment Officer. Once the recommendation has been reviewed, the Chief Enrollment Officer will make a recommendation to the Provost to approve or deny admission. The Provost will make the final decision regarding admission. Any student approved will be admitted conditionally.
Please click here for instructions and deadlines to submit an Academic Decision Appeal
Admissions Review Committee
The purpose of the Admissions Review Committee is to consider candidates for first-time undergraduate and transfer admissions with a special talent and/or extenuating circumstance that indicate potential for success but require further documentation and/or an alternative method of evaluation. One primary goal of the Committee is to enhance and foster the University's demographically-diverse student population. The Director of Admissions chairs the Committee. The Committee membership includes five other UNA employees, of which two must be UNA faculty members. All members must be approved by the Provost.
Rescinding Admission Policy
All admissions offers are made on a provisional basis, and the offer can be rescinded at any point up to the first day of instruction of the admission term. Reasons for rescission of admission offers include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Failing to submit official academic records (e.g., final official high school transcript) by set
• Negative changes in academic performance in courses listed as in-progress on the application for admission. For freshmen, this would likely be senior year courses. For transfers, this would be any college courses ungraded at the time of application.
• Unapproved schedule changes in courses listed as in-progress on the application for admission. For transfers, this could include dropping courses required for admission.
• Downward changes in level of rigor of coursework listed as in-progress on the application for admission. For freshmen, this could include dropping advanced-level courses and replacing with regular-level courses.
• For freshmen, discrepancies between official academic and test records and the information listed in the application for admission.
• The cancellation of the test score used in the decision to offer you admission.
• Withholding pertinent information requested on the application or giving false information, including failure to report all high school and/or collegiate credit.
• Providing falsified documents as part of the application materials.
• Behaviors that may fall under the Pre-admission Review & Re-enrollment for Applicants with Known Behavior Problems policy, see also .
- Disciplinary action taken against the applicant by an educational institution, including but not limited to, suspension and expulsion, at any time following submission of the application until the first scheduled day of instruction at the University of North Alabama.
- Failing to report on the application disciplinary action taken against the applicant by an educational institution at the time the application is submitted or, if applicable, at any time following submission of the application until the first scheduled day of instruction at the University of North Alabama. Failure to report such disciplinary action may also lead to disciplinary action if discovered after the applicant has begun instruction at the University.
- Conviction of or being charged with a criminal offense.
- Failing to report any convictions of or pending charges for a criminal offense that have already occurred at the time the applicant accepted the admission offer, or if applicable, at any time following the acceptance of the admission offer until the first scheduled day of instruction at the University of North Alabama. Failure to report such disciplinary action may also lead to disciplinary action if discovered after the applicant has begun instruction at the University.
• If any of these are discovered on or after the first day of instruction, dismissal can occur.
An applicant may appeal the rescinding of admission or a change in the college of admission by submitting an appeal to the Admissions Review Committee within seven calendar days of the date of notice of cancellation. The appeal must include relevant information as to why the cancellation or change in college of admission is inappropriate. Any supporting documentation that has direct bearing on the matter must be included. The Admissions Review Committee will review and determine the outcome of the appeal.
Undergraduate Alternative Admission Policy
Extenuating academic, social, cultural, or legal circumstances may necessitate an" Alternative Admission" pathway to the University of North Alabama for a small percentage of students seeking admission to the University for the first time (freshman or transfer).
If a student who does not meet UNA's minimum admission requirements is denied admission, an appeal in writing may be filed on the student's behalf by a University official (e.g. faculty member, Admissions recruiter, athletic coach) to the Director of Admissions. For student-athletes, the appeal must be supported and approved by the Director of Athletics. The student's entire file, any supporting documentation provided by the University official including a statement of rationale for appeal, a plan for academic support during the student's time at UNA written by the University official, and a statement from the student will be reviewed by the Admissions Review Committee. The committee may recommend to either approve or deny the appeal via Alternative Admission. The committee's recommendation is then forwarded to the Provost who will make the final decision on whether or not to admit or deny the student.
The purpose of the Admissions Review Committee is to consider candidates for first-time undergraduate admissions with a special talent and/or extenuating circumstance that indicate potential for success but require further documentation and/or an alternative method of evaluation. One primary goal of the committee is to enhance and foster the University's demographically-diverse student population. The Director of Admissions chairs the committee and it has five other members approved by the Provost, including at least two UNA faculty members.
The total number of students admitted via the Alternative Admission process may not exceed two-percent of the total number of new students admitted to the University (freshman or transfer) in any given year.
Please click here for instructions and deadlines to submit an Academic Decision Appeal
Retention and Disposal of Admission Files
Admission records, including the original application for admission, transcripts, and supporting credentials, are digitally imaged and indexed when received by the University. All application materials and records, including academic records from other institutions, become the property of The University of North Alabama and may not be returned to the applicant or forwarded to other institutions.
Digital application files will be maintained in compliance with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) guidelines and Alabama State retention requirements.
Admission Procedures
Each student must file a standard application for admission form. Application forms are available online.
Students may seek admission to the University of North Alabama in any of the following categories:
Beginning Freshmen
Beginning freshmen are students who have never attended another college or university. Students who have attended another institution(s) during the summer immediately after high school graduation or have been dual enrolled while in high school are also considered to be beginning freshmen. To support the application process, they are to ask that ACT or SAT scores and high school transcripts be sent directly to the UNA Office of Admissions. Transcripts are typically sent by designated guidance counselors upon request by the students. If application is made while still enrolled in high school, the transcripts should show the latest available grades at least through the junior year, and ACT or SAT scores. Subsequently, final transcripts must be sent showing confirmation of graduation and the graduation date. Having these documents sent to UNA is the applicant’s responsibility, and it should be clearly understood that application procedures are incomplete until all items are on file. Failure to complete this process will jeopardize students’ admission to the University. Students seeking admission on the basis of General Education Development (GED) tests must have official copies of those scores sent.
Transfer Students
Applicants who have attended other colleges or universities will be considered as transfer students. Transfer student applicants must have transcripts sent from all previously attended institutions regardless of whether or not credit was actually earned. The application process requires that students list all institutions attended. Failure to do so may result in denial of admission or subsequent cancellation of admission. Transfer students who have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of credit must also submit high school transcripts and must meet admission standards which are applied to beginning freshmen.
Former Students
UNA students who wish to re-enroll after an absence of one or more fall or spring semesters must apply for reactivation as former students. Summer terms have no effect on this category. Readmission forms are available online. Former students should refer to the reactivation requirements described later in this section under Former Students.
Transient Students
Students in good standing who are enrolled in a degree program at another college or university may, with the written approval of the parent institution, enroll at UNA as transient students. Such enrollment typically occurs during the summer months. Transient approval forms are available in the academic deans’ offices. This form should be filed instead of a transcript. Additional information is available in this section under Transient Student.
UNA Early College
Academic achieving high school students may enroll in the UNA Early College program and may take up to 30 credit hours if they receive permission from their high schools. Early College students must receive special approval from the Senior Vice Provost for International Affairs to take study abroad courses and must pay tuition for these courses and all costs involved. Forms are available in the UNA Office of Admissions or online, and must be completed by the high school principal or guidance counselor. An official copy of the high school transcript should be sent by the high school directly to the UNA Office of Admissions. For application deadlines please refer to the Early College website.
Special Students
Under certain circumstances, students may enroll at UNA as special students. These are not considered to be degree-seeking students. Additional information is available in this section under Special Students.
Admission Requirements
Beginning Freshmen
High school students should apply for admission as early as possible during the senior year. An official copy of the high school transcript, showing grades at least through the junior year should be sent by the high school directly to the UNA Office of Admissions. Transcript requests must be made by applicants.
A preliminary admission decision will be made on the basis of the official high school transcript through the junior year. Confirmation of graduation and an official transcript of work completed in the senior year must be submitted before a final admission status will be determined.
Unconditional Admission
Graduates of approved high schools who meet the specified academic competency requirements may be granted unconditional admission to the freshman class at the University of North Alabama.
Basic Competencies
Applicants must demonstrate academic competency by achieving a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50 (4.0 scale) on an unweighted scale. Applicants must also have at least 13 high school units distributed as follows:
- English2: (4 approved units)
- Mathematics: algebra I, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, or calculus (2 units)
- Natural or Physical Science: one biological and one physical science (2 units)
- Social Studies: one unit American/United States history and at least 1/2 unit in government, with the balance from world history, state history, economics, geography, psychology, political science, or anthropology (3 units)
- Other: foreign languages, computer sciences, or any of the courses listed in the above areas which are not used to meet requirements in those areas (2 units)
Conditional Admission
High school graduates who do not meet the standards for unconditional admission may be granted conditional admission if they meet all of the following conditions:
- at least 11 approved units have been earned from among the high school academic core;
- the high school GPA is at least 2.0 unweighted.
Students admitted conditionally must present the UNA Office of Admissions with a final high school transcript before classes begin the semester for which they are admitted. Such students will follow prescribed courses of study designed to strengthen their basic skills in areas where weaknesses are apparent.
Conditionally admitted students who have completed one semester or term and who have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.60 will be granted unconditional admission status. Credit earned during the conditional period will apply, if appropriate, toward a regular undergraduate degree program. Students who earn less than a 1.60 cumulative grade point average at the end of the first semester or term will be placed on academic warning for the following semester. (See Scholastic Standards section in this catalog for further information.)
- 1
Math and Verbal only
- 2
For approved units, contact the Office of Admissions
Admission Exceptions
Special consideration will be given to certain categories of applicants. Exceptions will be made under the following conditions:
- New freshmen who are discharged veterans must meet the admission requirements for unconditional or conditional admission. New freshmen who are honorably discharged veterans and eligible for admission may be granted unconditional admission.
- Applicants who have successfully passed the General Education Development (GED) test and can present a copy of the Certificate of High School Equivalency (GED certificate) may be granted admission to the University if the high school class of which they were a member has graduated.
- Home-schooled applicants must meet the grade point average (GPA) requirements of unconditional admission if they present certified transcripts at the completion of their program. Applicants who do not present certified transcripts must take the General Education Development (GED) test and meet the admission requirements as outlined in item (2) listed above. Students not meeting this educational requirement may enroll only by obtaining special permission from the Provost.
All freshmen should attend an orientation session prior to the beginning of the initial term of enrollment. For those students beginning in the fall semester, Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR) sessions will be scheduled. The sessions, which are offered during June and July, include orientation, academic advisement, and preregistration for the fall semester. Details for SOAR are available at .
Transfer Students
Students transferring to UNA must have all institutions previously attended send official transcripts directly to the Office of Admissions. Student records will be incomplete and final admission status cannot be determined until all documents are placed on file.
To enroll at the University of North Alabama, a transfer student must be eligible to return to the last institution attended. Ineligibility to return to the last school attended for academic, disciplinary, financial, or other reasons will normally make the student ineligible for admission to UNA. Students transferring fewer than 24 hours of acceptable coursework must meet standards for high school core minimum required of beginning freshmen.
Transfer students who are on warning or probation at the last institution attended will continue to be on warning or probation at the University of North Alabama. All transfer students are subject to UNA’s Scholastic Standards. If these standards are not met, further academic action will be necessary.
Upper-Division Credit Requirement
At least 50% of the credit hours required for graduation must be earned from UNA or other senior institutions, 25% of which must be earned from UNA.
All transfer students should attend an orientation session prior to the beginning of the initial term of enrollment. For those transfer students beginning in the fall semester, Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (Transfer SOAR) sessions will be scheduled. The sessions are offered during June and July, and include orientation, academic advisement, and preregistration for the fall semester. See for more information.
Readmission of Former Students
Students who remain continuously enrolled (summer term excluded) are approved for registration each semester or term as long as they maintain the required academic standards. Students who do not enroll for two or more consecutive semesters (summer term excluded) must reapply. Admissions applications are available online. Students who reapply for admission are subject to all published application deadlines and requirements.
Students who do not enroll for two or more consecutive semesters (summer term excluded) and attend another institution must be readmitted to UNA as a transfer student and provide an official transcript(s) from the institution(s) attended.
If a student attends another institution as a transient student or while they’re sitting out a semester at UNA, the student must provide an official transcript from the other institution, prior to re-enrolling at UNA.
Students who have been suspended once are eligible to return to UNA after one full semester following such academic action. A summer term will not fulfill a suspension period. Students who have been suspended twice are eligible to return to UNA after one calendar year. Subsequent academic suspension will result in a student being ineligible to enroll for a period of three years.
Readmission for Military Service Members
The University of North Alabama (UNA) acknowledges that students may be temporarily unable to attend classes or be required to suspend their studies in order to perform military service. UNA encourages such students to resume their education once a military service obligation has ended and adopts this policy to ensure the timely readmission of such students.
In accordance with federal regulations, 34 C.F.R. 668.18 and the Department of Defense (DOD) Voluntary Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the university will promptly readmit service members who seek readmission to a program that was interrupted due to a uniformed service obligation.
Student Responsibility
The student must provide oral or written notice of a uniformed service obligation to the Veterans Service Center as far in advance as possible, unless precluded by military necessity. Such notice does not need to indicate when the student will return to the university.
Tuition and Fees
A returning student must be charged the same tuition and fees in effect during the last academic year the student attended, unless veteran's education benefits or other service member education benefits will pay the amount in excess. For subsequent academic years, the returning student may not be charged tuition and fees in excess of what other students in the program are charged.
Readmission Requirements
A returning student will be permitted to re-enroll in the next semester scheduled in the same academic program, unless the student requests a later date of re-enrollment or agrees to a different program. He or she will be admitted with the same number of credit hours or clock hours previously completed, unless the student is readmitted to a different program to which the completed credit hours or clock hours are not transferable, and with the same academic standing the student previously had.
If the university determines that a returning student is not prepared to resume the program or is unable to complete the program, the university must make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume or complete the program at no additional cost to the student. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the university, the university is not required to readmit the student.
In accordance with federal regulations, returning student who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, service members who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy.
UNA Early College
High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who rank above average in academic achievement and who meet the specified general aptitude and academic competency requirements as listed below may be granted admission to the Early College Program, upon receipt of final transcripts.
- Applicants must demonstrate academic competency by achieving a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (4.0 scale) on all unweighted high school work.
- Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all Early College coursework for continued participation in the UNA Early College program.
- Students must meet all course prerequisite requirements.
- Exceptions must be approved by the chair of the department where the course is housed and the dean of the college.
Participants in the UNA Early College program are allowed to enroll in select 100/200 level courses on a space available basis.
For admission/retention requirements, tuition and fee information, deadlines and additional application information, refer to the Early College website.
Senior Scholars
Senior adults (age 60 and over) may enroll in one course per semester at no cost, on a space available basis. Cost definition includes tuition only. Senior Scholars are still subject to any course fees such as applied music fees, technology fees, health fees, etc. Degree-seeking Senior Scholars must also meet admission requirements according to their admission classification.
Special Students
Special students must hold a high school diploma or equivalency. If a student has been out of high school for less than five years, freshman requirements must be met. Students not meeting this educational requirement may enroll only by obtaining special permission from the Vice President for Enrollment Management.
Special students who have attended another college or university must have an official transcript from the last school attended sent to the Office of Admissions. Students who have attended another college or university and who have earned a bachelor’s degree must also have an official transcript verifying that degree sent to the Office of Admissions. Students seeking teacher certification, MBA prerequisites or nontraditional fifth-year prerequisites must also have official transcripts from all previously attended institutions sent to the Office of Admissions. Students who have not attended another college or university must have their high school send an official transcript (or their testing agency send an official copy of the GED test scores).
Special students cannot become candidates for a degree or be eligible for honors or offices unless and until they reapply and are admitted as regular degree seeking students. Up to 32 semester hours earned during special student status may be applied toward a degree program.
International Affairs
The Office of International Affairs provides specialized services and support in achieving the international education mission of the University. The service areas include international recruitment and admission, AEP instruction, international student and scholar services, international alumni, study abroad, faculty and staff international development, curriculum internationalization, and international linkages.
International Recruitment
To build a multinational and multicultural learning environment, UNA is committed to recruiting high quality international students from around the world. To achieve the international student enrollment goal, the University will actively develop strategic partnerships such as joint-degree partners at the college and university level, feeder schools such as International Baccalaureate (IB) schools at the high school level, government sponsored program organizations such as American Councils for International Students (ACTR), Academy for Educational Development (AED), America-Mideast Educational and Training Services (AMIDEAST), and International Research & Exchange (IREX). In addition, the University will engage in quality services from international recruiting agencies in targeted regions of the world.
International Admissions
The University welcomes international students to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies at UNA. International students, defined as individuals who are not U.S. citizens, permanent residents or refugees, may apply for admission under the following categories:
AEP: Academic English Program (non-degree).
Undergraduate Freshman: International students who earned a high school diploma and bring no college transfer credit to UNA.
Undergraduate Transfer: International students with earned college credits from another college or university in the US or abroad may apply as a transfer student to UNA.
International Undergraduate from UNA Global Partner Universities Taking Graduate Courses: International undergraduate students from UNA Global Partner Universities may request a dean's approval to take nine (9) hours of graduate courses before the official admission to a graduate program. Such students must be in senior status with good academic standing.
Pre-MBA Bridge Certificate Program: International students with a 3-year college diploma or academic credit certificate (90 semester hours) but without an American equivalent bachelor’s degree may enroll in the Pre-MBA Bridge Certificate Program which includes 30 semester hours of prescribed UNA undergraduate business courses. Upon successful completion of this certificate program, the students will satisfy all MBA prerequisites and may enroll in the MBA program at UNA, provided they meet all other established graduate admission requirements.
Graduate: International students with a BA or BS degree may apply for UNA graduate programs. Additional admission criteria are required for the graduate nursing and education programs.
International Graduate Course Transfer from UNA Global Partner Universities: International graduate students with earned graduate course credits from UNA Global Partner Universities may transfer more than six (6) semester hours of B or higher grades to meet the graduate program requirements at UNA. A list of courses from the home institution will be pre-approved by the respective UNA college dean based on the review of course descriptions provided by each UNA Global Partner University.
Graduate Transfer: International students with earned graduate courses credit from another college or university may apply to UNA as a transfer graduate student. Only 6 hours of graduate credit will transfer to UNA.
Online Students: International students meeting minimum program admission requirements may enroll in UNA online degree or certificate programs while residing in their home country. Additional admission criteria are required for the online nursing programs.
Note 1. For program specific requirements, please see information listed under College/Department in the Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog respectively.
Note 2. International students enrolled on UNA’s campus may take only one (1) online course per semester.
International students must meet all established university admission requirements to be admitted. In addition, international students must submit the following:
Proof of Financial Support
All international students must furnish official evidence (e.g., bank statements) of sufficient funds (US $18,000 or equivalent currency) to cover educational and living expenses. Sponsored applicants should have their sponsor(s) execute and send an Affidavit of Support (USCIS Form I-134) which is legally binding.
To be in compliance with U.S. Federal Regulations regarding international students, all UNA international students must have UNA approved health insurance coverage while enrolled at UNA.
Evaluation of International Transcripts
International students who have attended a college or university outside the United States must have their transcripts evaluated by a university-approved international credentials evaluator, (such as World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), etc., or by a university international admissions staff member with appropriate language proficiency and expertise in reviewing international transcripts. International students who apply to UNA’s double bachelor’s degree or master’s degree program are required to submit a certified transcript via local notarization office approved by the Ministry of Education.
Education Majors: An applicant for certification on the basis of study outside the United States shall obtain an evaluation of the foreign credentials from a foreign- credential evaluation service recognized by the Educator Preparation and Certification Office of the Alabama State Department of Education as follows:
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) (Washington, DC)
Center for Applied Research, Evaluation, and Education (Anaheim, CA)
Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) (Milwaukee, WI)
International Consultants of Delaware (Philadelphia, PA)
International Education Evaluations (Charlotte, NC)
International Education Research Foundation (Culver City, CA)
Josef Silny and Associates International Education Consultants (Miami, FL)
World Education Services (WES) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Miami, FL; Washington, DC)
Certification requirements are subject to change in order to comply with state and/or federal guidelines. Candidates should consult with the College of Education and Human Sciences to ensure compliance with all current regulations including approved foreign credential evaluation services.
English Language Proficiency
International students whose native language is not English must present an official score report of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
For undergraduate admission, one of the following score reports is required:
Paper-Based TOEFL: 500.
Computer-Based TOEFL: 173
Internet-Based TOEFL: 61
IELTS: 5.5
TOEIC: 600
Duolingo: 90
For graduate admission, one of the following score reports is required:
Paper-Based TOEFL: 550.
Computer-Based TOEFL: 213
Internet-Based TOEFL: 79
TOEIC: 670
TOEIC: 620 (Exchange)
Duolingo: 100
In addition to the above English language proficiency requirement, graduate applicants must also provide one of the following test score reports:
GRE: 280
GMAT: 400-450
MAT: 388 or combined Verbal/Quantitative 286 (Arts and Sciences)
Bridge Class (IEP200)
To help new international students become acclimated to American culture, American higher education systems, and UNA academic and administrative policies, procedures, and resources, all freshmen international students are required to take the Bridge Class. 3+1+1 and 2+2 program participants from UNA partner universities are required to take this class. Transfer international students are recommended to take this class.
Academic English Language (AEP)
The primary goals of the AEP program at UNA are to prepare international students in the area of language proficiency to meet the English language requirement for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs at UNA and to equip them with cultural knowledge and skills to excel in achieving their academic goals and personal growth in an American university setting. Provided that all other university admission requirements are met, AEP students may enroll in academic programs at UNA after successfully completing all Level 5 ESL courses.
International Student and Scholar Services
The University values the presence of international students and scholars at UNA. They not only help diversify the student and staff population, but also enhance the campus learning environment and enrich the local community. Their generous sharing of their cultures in and outside the classroom, on and off campus, creates broad and rich learning opportunities for Alabamians to experience and appreciate international cultures and customs without traveling afar.
To better serve the international students and scholars at UNA, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) collaborates with all offices and student organizations across the campus in providing welcoming and one-stop services to meet their special needs. OIA offers a mandatory orientation program at the beginning of each semester and term for all new international students. Special cultural events and field trips are organized for international students throughout the year. OIA also administers a Community Friends Program to help international students become more integrated with the local community through personal interactions. The University and its local community endeavor to provide “a home away from home” for international students at UNA.
International Alumni
As more and more international students graduate from UNA, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) strives to keep close contact with international alumni and continue to engage them in campus life. In collaboration with the Office of Alumni Relations, OIA will help develop strategies to better engage all UNA international alumni (i.e., international student alumni, study abroad alumni, and expatriate alumni), to help support existing UNA alumni chapters abroad, and to build new chapters.
Study Abroad
To provide a global education for UNA students, all under graduate and graduate students are strongly encouraged to study abroad as part of their education experience at UNA. All financial aid scholarships, grants and loans may be used on all UNA approved study abroad programs. In addition, UNA awards Study Abroad Scholarships annually to UNA full-time students on a competitive basis.
Given the academic nature and rigor of study abroad programs, students must remain in good academic standing at the time of application and departure. Students interested in study abroad should plan early academically, culturally, and financially. If planned early and well, a study abroad experience should help students partially fulfill their general education credits, major and/or minor credits, or university elective credits. UNA strongly encourages all students to continue with their study of the foreign language they chose in high school or to learn a new foreign language that may better fit their academic and career goals. This is especially important for students who are planning to study abroad in a non-English speaking country and who aspire to pursue a career path where proficiency in an international language could make a significant difference.
For more information or advice on planning for study abroad, students are welcome to visit the Office of International Affairs to explore study abroad opportunities in general and to visit with their faculty advisor regarding academic credit approvals. To receive UNA credits, all study abroad participants must use the Academic Approval Form for Study Abroad and obtain approval signatures from a faculty advisor and the department chair. Early College students must receive special approval from the Senior Vice Provost for International Affairs to take study abroad courses and must pay tuition plus all costs involved. Students may enroll in sections of SA 499 for a maximum of 15 credit hours at UNA partner universities abroad.
The following are existing study abroad programs available at UNA. To meet UNA students’ study abroad interests and demands, new opportunities for study abroad, internship abroad, and service-learning abroad are explored on an on-going basis.
The Magellan Exchange Semester or Year Abroad/Summer
UNA is a member of the Magellan Exchange, (, which consists of 16 universities in Europe, one in Mexico, one in Costa Rica, one in South Korea, one in Australia, and 15 universities in the United States. Exchange students pay tuition at the home institution only, and pay no tuition at the host institution. Students normally spend one semester or one academic year at the host institution. Students may also attend Magellan Summer Programs as exchange participants. Exchange students are responsible for their international airfare, room and board, and personal expenses. Students who are interested in a cultural immersion experience at an affordable price will find the Magellan Exchange Programs great opportunities.
Country | Program(s) |
Austria | Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences |
Belgium | HEC Management School University of Liege PXL University College |
Costa Rica | Latin American University of Science & Technology(ULACIT) |
Denmark | International Business Academy |
Finland | Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences – Kankaanpaa, and Satakunta University of Applied Sciences – Pori |
France | ESC Rennes School of Business Blaise Pasca University, Vichy |
Germany | Aachen University of Applied Sciences and Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences |
Mexico | University of Monterrey |
The Netherlands | Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences – Heerlen, and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences – Maastricht |
South Korea | Anyang University |
Spain | Valencia Polytechnic University |
Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Programs
To fulfill UNA’s international education mission, faculty are encouraged to develop and lead short-term study abroad programs during the spring break, the intersession and summer terms as one effective way to introduce international learning and living to UNA students. These programs are especially suited for students who have never traveled abroad and who want to explore their international interests with the guidance of a faculty member and in the company of classmates and friends from UNA.
The program offerings may vary from year to year. Students are welcome to visit the Office of International Affairs or the sponsoring colleges for current information.
The following are examples of such programs:
College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering – Costa Rica, France, Germany, Italy, Peru, Spain, United Kingdom
Sanders College of Business and Technology – Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan
College of Education and Human Sciences – China, Peru, Tanzania
Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions – Dominican Republic, Guatemala, United Kingdom
Non-UNA Programs
In addition to the UNA sponsored programs, students may also study abroad through non-UNA programs sponsored by other accredited U.S. colleges and universities, or through direct enrollment at a foreign university which is recognized by the Ministry of Education of the host country.
Curriculum internationalization is essential in fulfilling the international educational mission of UNA and in achieving global learning outcomes for UNA students. The University recognizes that faculty international experience and expertise are critical in internationalizing the university curriculum and that international learning and/or a study abroad experience needs to be integrated into the curriculum design in order to provide a global education for all students.
The Office of International Affairs (OIA), and the Center for Global Engagement, provide support and services to colleges and departments in their internationalization efforts. Every effort is made to provide faculty with international professional development opportunities including teaching abroad, leading UNA short-term study abroad programs, participating in Fulbright teaching or research abroad, or by taking a sabbatical abroad at UNA partner institutions.
International University Affiliations
In addition to the 20 Magellan partners in Europe, Mexico, Costa Rica, Australia, and South Korea, UNA has established institutional affiliations with universities in China, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan, and with countries in Central and South America. Strategic partnerships will continue to be established to meet UNA’s internationalization needs and goals.
Admission to Graduate Studies
Application for admission and supporting credentials should be filed with the Office of Graduate Admissions. See Graduate Catalog.
A senior student at the University of North Alabama who is within one semester of graduation with a 3.0 cumulative GPA may request approval to take 500/600 level classes from the dean of the college. Additional requirements by vary by college in which the program is offered (see "College of Arts, Sciences and Engineering", "Sanders College of Business and Technology", "College of Education and Human Sciences", or "Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions"). Requests should be submitted to the dean of the college in which the graduate program is housed. The acceptability of graduate credit earned in this manner is conditional upon:
- satisfactory completion of current program requirements;
- satisfactory work on the graduate course(s) for which enrolled; and
- application to and acceptance into a graduate program for a semester following program completion.
Any exceptions to this policy require the approval of the dean of the college in which the graduate program is housed.
Accelerated Master's Program
The Accelerate Master's Program (AMP) offers qualified UNA undergraduate students the opportunity to enroll in 500/600 level coursework that can be applied concurrently to an undergraduate and graduate degree. Students may earn up to a maximum of 9 graduate credit hours toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree at undergraduate tuition rate.
Students in the Cole Honors College who are accepted into an AMP program will be awarded Honors Credit for their graduate level coursework.
Eligible UNA undergraduate students participating in the AMP program must submit a formal application to graduate studies. See the departmental sections of the Graduate Catalog for program specific admission requirements. The graduate application fee is waived for AMP participants. Contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at 256.765.4447 or for more information.
Colleges/departments that participate in the AMP program:
- Accelerated Master's Program - Applied Manufacturing Engineering
- Accelerated Master's Program - Business
- Accelerated Master's Program - English and Writing
- Accelerated Master's Program - Geographic Information Science
- Accelerated Master's Program - Health and Human Performance
- Accelerated Master's Program - Mathematics
- Accelerated Master's Program - Professional Studies
- Accelerated Master's Program in Sport and Recreation Management
- Accelerated Master's Program between Psychology (BA/BS) and Counselor Education (MA/MAED)
- Accelerated Master's Program between Psychology (BA/BS) and Family and Community Services (MS)
- Accelerated Master's Program between Sociology (BA/BS) and Counselor Education (MA/MAED)
Accelerated Master’s Program between Sociology (BA/BS) and Family and Community Services (MS)
Advanced Standing Credit
- Credit by Transfer
- Transient Enrollment at Another Institution
- Concurrent Enrollment
- Credit from Nontraditional Sources
- Academic Credit for Military Service.
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (Cambridge International Exams)1
- Advanced Placement Examinations
- International Baccalaureate Program
- College Level Examination Program
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Oral Proficiency Interview Exam (ACTFL OPI Exam)
- Summary of ACE Credit Recommendations for Official ACTFL OPI Ratings
- DSST Program
- Retention And Disposal Of Admission Files
Credit by Transfer
A student who has attended other institutions prior to transferring to the University of North Alabama must request each institution attended to submit an official transcript. When the student applies for admission and sends all final transcripts, the transcripts are evaluated for advanced standing credit. The initial evaluation becomes the basis for the awarding of transfer credit and is not subject to reevaluation thereafter except by reason of error.
All transcripts sent to the Office of Admissions become part of the student’s permanent record. In accordance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the transcripts may not be released to a third party.
It is the policy of the University of North Alabama to award fair equivalent credit for work done at other accredited colleges and universities.
- An undergraduate transfer student with credits from a post-secondary institution not accredited by one of the six U.S. regional accrediting associations, but accredited by one of the agencies recognized as an accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education, or by an appropriate governmental agency in the country in which the institution is located, may request an evaluation of those credits for the purpose of counting toward graduation at UNA. In evaluating transfer work, the following policies are applied: For the courses to be eligible for consideration, the student must have completed 24 semester hours at UNA with a GPA of at least 2.00. Students seeking an evaluation should submit a request to the Office of the Registrar who will review the request and forward it to the appropriate college dean and/or admissions office based on the type of credits being submitted. This policy may not be applicable for certain majors where credits from non-accredited institutions are not accepted. Requests for exceptions in unusual cases and based on sufficient documentation to verify academic quality may be submitted for review by the Council of Academic Deans.
- No credit is awarded for courses which the University of North Alabama considers remedial, vocational/technical, or sectarian in nature. No credit will be transferred for cooperative education or other work experience.
- Grades for transfer courses will not factor into the UNA Institutional GPA, but will be factored into the Cumulative GPA and will be factored into degree requirements in which a transfer course is applied. Effective with the 2016 fall semester, transferrable courses and corresponding grades will be used in determining transfer credit and the transfer grade point average, as they were included/excluded by the awarding institution unless a preceding UNA transfer record for that institution exists. Prior academic records will not be modified. The grade point average from each institution is computed separately.
- A course from a junior college will transfer as the equivalent of a UNA course only if the UNA course is lower division (100-200 level). Junior college courses similar to upper-division courses (300-400 level) will transfer as lower-division electives only. At least 50% of the credit hours required for graduation must be earned from UNA or other senior institutions, 25% of which must be earned from UNA.
- Programs with specialized accreditations may have special rules limiting acceptance of transfer hours. No professional courses in the Department of Nursing – Traditional can be accepted from any other community college, university or non-accredited institution. However, in the RN-BSN or RN-MSN Department of Nursing – Online, RN’s are admitted with advanced standing and provisions are made for equivalency credit. Furthermore, no courses will be accepted from any other educator preparation program without prior authorization from the Dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences. Courses in occupational safety/industrial hygiene may be accepted only from other ABET accredited institutions and only if they are determined by the Chair of UNA’s Industrial Hygiene program to be equivalent in content to the UNA requirements they are intended to replace.
- The University operates on the semester system. Credits earned in quarter hours will be evaluated in terms of semester hours on the basis of one quarter hour equaling two-thirds of a semester hour; e.g., a five quarter hour course equals three and one-third semester hours.
- Students who have received academic suspension and/or dismissal at other institutions will have this fact noted on their UNA records and will be treated as if the academic suspension and/or dismissal had been earned at UNA. Students transferring on warning or probation will have that warning or probation transferred and in effect during the first term at UNA. All UNA policies regarding suspension and dismissal will apply to those transferring warnings, probations, suspensions, or dismissals.
Transient Enrollment at Another Institution
- A student who wishes to enroll at another institution in temporary transient status and transfer credits back to UNA should secure advance approval from the academic advisor and the dean of the college in which the major is housed. In order to secure approval, the student must complete a Transient Approval Form. In consultation with the advisor, the student must list the course(s) for which s/he is seeking approval for transient credit. The advisor will determine the equivalent course(s) at UNA, and sign the form approving the student’s request. The student must then submit the form to his/her college dean for final approval. Upon completion of approved study at the other institution, it is the student’s responsibility to have an official transcript sent by that institution to the UNA Admissions Office so that the transient credits and grades may be recorded on the student’s UNA transcript. Grades earned at other institutions will affect the student’s overall grade point average but will not be calculated into the UNA grade point average. Students must be in good academic standing at UNA in order to be approved for transient study at another institution. Courses taken at another institution may not be used in UNA’s Repeat/Recompute Policy.
- If a UNA student takes courses at another institution without advance written approval from appropriate personnel, the course(s), upon receipt of the official transcript, will be recorded on the student’s UNA transcript with a grade of NC. A student seeking retroactive approval for a course that was not approved in advance may be required to provide a syllabus for each course taken at the other institution. There is no guarantee that UNA will accept any course taken at another institution without prior written approval.
- If a student enrolls in another institution during the term that the student anticipates graduating from UNA, the student must be diligent to assure that the other institution submits the official transcript to UNA. The official transcript must be received at least four weeks prior to the date of graduation for the credit to be evaluated and recorded on the student’s transcript and for the official degree audit to be conducted by the Registrar’s Office before clearing the student for graduation.
Concurrent Enrollment
A UNA student who enrolls at another institution during any term in which the student is also enrolled at UNA is expected to secure advance approval from the dean of the college in which the major is housed. The student’s total course load at UNA and the other institution combined should not exceed the maximum number of credit hours for which the student would be permitted to enroll at UNA unless the dean has issued a written waiver of the maximum course load. UNA reserves the right to reject credit earned through concurrent enrollment at another institution without prior approval by the dean of the college in which the major is housed for enrollment courses, and total number of hours combined. A student who has permission for concurrent enrollment during the term that the student anticipates graduating from UNA must be diligent to assure that the official transcript from the other institution is sent to UNA in time for the course(s) and grade(s) to be recorded and the official degree audit conducted by the Registrar’s Office before clearing the student for graduation.
Credit from Nontraditional Sources
The University awards academic credit from nontraditional sources as listed below. There is a limit of 45 semester hours for all such courses, either separately or in combination, that can count toward a degree. Credit awarded by the University of North Alabama form Nontraditional Sources is not considered as resident credit. At least 50% of the credit hours requried for graduation must be earned from UNA or other senior institutions, 25% of which must be earned from UNA.
All credit accepted from nontraditional sources will be considered as transfer credit for semester hours credit only. Grade-quality points are not given, and the student's grade point average on coursework taken at this University is not affected.
Academic Credit for Military Service.
The University of North Alabama (UNA) recognized the educational value of military training and experience. UNA participates in the Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAP) of the Army, Amy Reserve, and Army National Guard. Through participation in ConAP, the University promotes educational opportunities for active duty service members, reservists, and veterans. UNA provides programs and protections important to the needs of service members in four specific areas: (1) transfer of credit; (2) academic residency requirements; (3) crediting learning from military training and experience; and (4) crediting extra-institutional learning.
The University of North Alabama may award academic credit for training completed during military service. Military credit decisions will be based on the American Council of Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services recommended credits at the lower/ upper-level associate/baccalaureate category. Vocational level credit is not recognized. For evaluation of military service for potential academic credit, students must submit their Joint Services Transcript (JST) or an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to the UNA Office of Admissions. Military transfer credits at UNA could be in the form of: general electives, military science units, physical education units, and direct university equivalences.
Advanced International Certificate of Education (Cambridge International Exams)1
Examination scores for A/AS Level Examinations are A, B, C, D, E and U/O. Scores of A-E are passing and credit will be awarded (additional departmental review/requirements may apply). Scores of U/O are not passing and no credit will be awarded. Official score reports must be submitted to the University in order for credit to be placed on the student's transcript. Credit will be awarded only once for the same subject, whether from credit by examination, dual enrollment, transfer credit or credit granted by the University of North Alabama.
AICE A Level Exam Title | UNA Course(s) | Credit Hours |
Accounting | AC 291 & AC 292 | 6 |
Arabic | ARB 101 & ARB 102 | 6 |
Arabic Language | N/A | N/A |
Art and Design2 | AR 221 & AR 231 | 6 |
Biology | BI 111 & BI 112 | 8 |
Business Studies | MG 100 & MG 330 | 6 |
Chemistry | CH 111, CH 111L & CH 112, CH 112L | 8 |
Computer Science | GN 1XXX | 3 |
Design & Technology | GN 1XXX | 3 |
Design & Textiles | FASH 241 | 3 |
Digital Media & Design2 | AR 347 | 3 |
Divinity | RE 231, RE 370, & RE 490 | 9 |
Drama | CAT 100 & CAT 210 | 6 |
Economics | EC 251 & EC 252 | 6 |
English Language3 | EN 111 | 3 |
English Literature | GN 2XXX & GN 2XXX | 6 |
Environmental Management | N/A | N/A |
Foreign Languages - Other: Afrikaans/Hindi/Portuguese/Tamil/Urdu | GN 1XXX & GN 1XXX | 6 |
French4 | FR 101, FR 102, FR 201, & FR 202 | 6-12 |
French Language | N/A | N/A |
Geography | GE 112 & GE 260 | 7 |
German5 | GR 101, GR 102, GR 201 & GR 202 | 6-12 |
German Language | N/A | N/A |
Global Perspectives & Research | GN 1XXX & GN 1XXX | 6 |
Hinduisim | GN 2XXX & GN 2XXX | 6 |
History6 | Subject to institutional review | 6 |
Information Technology | GN 1XXX | 3 |
Islamic Studies | GN 2XXX & GN 2XXX | 6 |
Japanese | N/A | N/A |
Mathematics | MA 113 & MA 125 | 7 |
Mathematics - Further | MA 125 & MA 126 | 8 |
Music | MU 244 | 3 |
Physical Education | HPE 352 & HPE 450 | 6 |
Physics | PH 241 & PH 242 | 8 |
Psychology | PY 201 | 3 |
Sociology | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Spanish7 | SP 101, SP 102, SP 201 & SP 202 | 6-12 |
Spanish Language | N/A | N/A |
Spanish Literature | N/A | N/A |
Travel & Tourism | HEM 200 | 3 |
AICE AS Level Exam Title | UNA Course(s) | Credit Hours |
Accounting | AC 291 | 3 |
Arabic | N/A | N/A |
Arabic Language | ARB 101 | 3 |
Art and Design2 | AR 221 | 3 |
Biology | BI 101 | 4 |
Business Studies | MG 100 | 3 |
Chemistry | CH 111 & CH 111L | 4 |
Computer Science | CS 135 | 3 |
Design & Technology | GN 1XXX | 3 |
Design & Textiles | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Digital Media & Design2 | AR 347 | 3 |
Divinity | RE 490 | 3 |
Drama | CAT 210 | 3 |
Economics | EC 251 | 3 |
English Language3 | EN 111 | 3 |
English Literature | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Environmental Management | ES 146 | 4 |
Foreign Languages - Other: Afrikaans/Hindi/Portuguese/Tamil/Urdu | GN 1XXX | 3 |
French4 | N/A | N/A |
French Language | FR 101 & FR 102 | 6 |
Geography | GE 260 | 3 |
German5 | N/A | N/A |
German Language | GR 101 & GR 102 | 6 |
Global Perspectives & Research | GN 1XXX | 3 |
Hinduism | GN 2XXX | 3 |
History 6 | Subject to institutional review | 3 |
Information Technology | CS 135 | 3 |
Islamic Studies | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Japanese | JP 101 & JP 102 | 6 |
Mathematics | MA 112 & MA 113 | 6 |
Mathematics - Further | N/A | N/A |
Music | MU 222 | 3 |
Physical Education | HPE 352 | 3 |
Physics | PH 241 | 4 |
Psychology | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Sociology | GN 2XXX | 3 |
Spanish7 | N/A | N/A |
Spanish Language | SP 101 & SP 102 | 6 |
Spanish Literature | SP 360 | 3 |
Travel & Tourism | HEM 200 | 3 |
- 1
Also referred to as General Certificate of Education for Advanced and Advanced Subsidiary Level Examinations (GCE A/AS Level).
- 2
Students must submit their digital portfolio for review by UNA faculty for credit to be considered.
- 3
A grade of D or above is required to receive credit.
- 4
Credit for FR 201 and FR 202 is provided only for a grade of A. Grades of B/C will earn credit for FR 101, FR 102, and FR 201. Grades of D/E will earn credit for FR 101 and FR 102.
- 5
Credit for GR 201 and GR 202 is provided only for a grade of A. Grades of B/C will earn credit for GR 101, GR 102, and GR 201. Grades of D/E will earn credit for GR 101 and GR 102.
- 6
Students are required to submit documentation identifying which option was completed in order to receive appropriate credit.
- 7
Credit for SP 201 and SP 202 is provided only for a grade of A. Grades of B/C will earn credit for SP 101, SP 102, and SP 201. Grades of D/E will earn credit for SP 101 and SP 102.
Advanced Placement Examinations
High school students who take Advanced Placement courses and the accompanying CEEB Advanced Placement Examinations may receive credit for the examinations listed below if the required minimum score is earned. Students seeking advanced standing credit through AP examinations should have the Educational Testing Service forward official School and Examination reports directly to the Office of Admissions prior to initial enrollment.
Min. AP Examination | Score | UNA Course Equivalency-Credit |
Art History | 3 | Art 170 (3) |
Biology | 3 | Biology 111-112 (8) |
Calculus AB | 3 | Mathematics 125 (4) |
Calculus BC | 3 | Mathematics 125-126 (8) |
Chemistry | 3 | Chemistry 111-112, 111L-112L (8) |
Computer Science Principles | 3 | Computer Science 135 (3) |
English Language/Composition1 | 3 | English 111 (3) |
4 | English 111-112 (6) | |
5 | English 111H -112H (6) | |
English Literature/Composition1 | 3 | English 111 (3) |
4 | English 111-112 (6) | |
5 | English 111H-112H (6) | |
Environmental Science | 3 | ES 146 (4) |
European History | 3 | HI 102 (3) |
French Language | 3 | French 101-102 (6) |
4 | French 101-102, 201 (9) | |
5 | French 101-102, 201-202 (12) | |
German Language | 3 | German 101-102 (6) |
4 | German 101-102, 201 (9) | |
5 | German 101-102, 201-202 (12) | |
Human Geography | 3 | Geography 260 (3) |
Latin | 3 | General Elective (3) |
Macroeconomics | 3 | Economics 251 (3) |
Microeconomics | 3 | Economics 252 (3) |
Physics C: Mechanics | 3 | Physics 101 (4) (must provide documentary evidence of lab experience) |
Psychology | 3 | Psychology 201 (3) |
Research | 3 | General Elective (3) |
Seminar | 3 | General Elective (3) |
Spanish Language | 3 | Spanish 101-102 (6) |
4 | Spanish 101-102, 201(9) | |
5 | Spanish 101-102, 201-202 (12) | |
Spanish Literature | 3 | Spanish 405 (3) |
4 | Spanish 405, 406 (6) | |
Statistics | 3 | Mathematics 147 (3) |
US Government & Politics | 3 | Political Science 241 (3) |
US History | 3 | History 201-202 (6) |
World History | 3 | History 101-102 (6) |
- 1
Maximum credit awarded in English is six semester hours (for either test both not both). Students who receive AP credit for First-Year Composition Honors I (EN 111H)-First-Year Composition Honors II (EN 112H) are required to enroll in Survey of British Literature (EN 211)-Honors Survey of British Literature (EN 212H) or Honors American Literature through Whitman (EN 221H)-Honors American Literature for Whitman to the Present (EN 222H) or Honors Literature of the World I (EN 231H)-Honors Literature of the World II (EN 232H).
International Baccalaureate Program
UNA welcomes students from International Baccalaureate high schools. The University awards credit for performance on IB examinations in accordance with the following table. Credit is for both standard level (SL) and higher level (HL) exams unless otherwise noted.
Students who have taken IB exams not listed below may have their performance considered for credit on a case by case basis.
IB Exam | Min. Score | UNA Course(s) | Credit Hours |
Anthropology | 4 | SO 231 | 3 |
Biology (SL) | 4 | BI 101 and BI 102 | 8 |
Biology (HL) | 4 | BI 111 and BI 112 | 8 |
Business/ Management | 4 | MG 100 | 3 |
Chemistry (SL) | 4 | CH 101, 101L | 4 |
Chemistry (HL) | 4 | CH 111, 111L and CS 100-200 level elective | 8 |
Computer Science/Computer Studies | 4 | CS 100-200 level elective | 3 |
Economics | 4 | EC 251 and EC 252 | 6 |
English A1 (SL) | 4 with IB Diploma | EN 111 | 3 |
English A1 (HL) | 4 with IB Diploma | EN 111 and EN 112 | 6 |
Foreign Languages (SL) | 4 | 3 semester hours of credit in corresponding first-year language sequence | 3 |
Foreign Languages (HL) | 4 | 6 semester hours of credit in corresponding first -year language sequence | 6 |
Geography | 4 | GE 102 and GE 260 | 6 |
History, American | 4 | HI 201 and HI 202 | 6 |
History, European or World | 4 | HI 101 and HI 102 | 6 |
Mathematics (SL) | 4 | MA 115 | 4 |
5 | MA 115 and MA 125 | 8 | |
Mathematics (HL) | 4 | MA 115 and MA 125 | 8 |
5 | MA 125 and MA 126 | 8 | |
Further Mathematics | 4 | MA 126 | 4 |
Math. Methods | 4 | MA 112 | 3 |
Math. Studies | 4 | MA 110 | 3 |
Music (SL) | 4 | MU 222 | 3 |
Music (HL) | 4 | MU 2441 | 3 |
Philosophy | 4 | PHL 201 | 3 |
Physics (SL) | 4 | PH 101 | 4 |
Physics (HL) | 4 | PH 241 and PH 242 | 8 |
Psychology | 4 | PY 201 | 3 |
Theatre Arts | 4 | TH 210 | 3 |
- 1
Course may not transfer for general program credit.
College Level Examination Program
The CEEB-CLEP program advanced standing credit may be earned only through the Subject Examinations. No credit may be earned through the General Examinations. CLEP scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions on the official transcript form directly from the College Entrance Examination Board. Acceptable minimum scores are subject to change according to norming revisions by CEEB. A three month waiting period is required before repeating a CLEP test.
Advanced standing credit may be earned for the specific subject examinations on the minimum scores and for the university course equivalencies indicated below. Credit through subject examinations may not be earned for courses in which previously or currently enrolled (including courses failed in residence) for courses in which credit already has been earned in coursework at a higher level with the exception of foreign language courses, or for both subject examination and its equivalent course. Also, with the exception of foreign languages, credit may not be earned through a CLEP subject examination for one or both of a sequence of courses, e.g., general biology, if one of the courses has been attempted in residence. Final decision regarding award of credit for First-Year Composition I (EN 111) (3) will be based on evaluation of a Required Essay. Satisfactory score on the objective portion of the examination does not guarantee awarding of credit.
For more information regarding CLEP testing, please contact the Testing Coordinator.
Subject Examination | Min. Score | UNA Course Equivalency-Credit |
American Government | 50 | Political Science 241 (3) |
History of the United States I | 50 | History 201 (3) |
History of the United States II | 50 | History 202 (3) |
College Algebra | 50 | Mathematics 112 (3) |
English Composition1 | 50 | English 111 (3) |
College French | 50 | French 101-202 (6) |
Levels 1 and 2 |
62 | French 101-102, 201-202 (12) |
College German | 50 | German 101- 102 (6) |
Levels 1 and 2 |
63 | German 101-102, 201-202 (12) |
College Spanish | 50 | Spanish 101-102 (6) |
Levels 1 and 2 |
63 | Spanish 101-102, 201-202 (12) |
General Biology | 50 | Biology 111-112 (8) |
General Chemistry | 50 | Chemistry 111-112 (6) |
Human Growth & Development | 50 | Education 299 (3) |
Principals of Management | 50 | Management 330 (3) |
Introductory Accounting | 50 | Accounting 291-292 (6) |
Introductory Business Law | 50 | Business Law 240 (3) |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 50 | Economics 251 (3) |
Principles of Microeconomics | 50 | Economics 252 (3) |
Introductory Psychology | 50 | Psychology 201 (3) |
Introductory Sociology | 50 | Sociology 221 (3) |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | Marketing 360 (3) |
Western Civilization I | 50 | History 101 (3) |
Western Civilization II | 50 | History 102 (3) |
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Oral Proficiency Interview Exam (ACTFL OPI Exam)
The ACTFL OPI Exam, administered by Language Testing International and endorsed by the American Council on Education, allows students to receive academic credit for their demonstrated spoken language abilities in over 50 languages. Official ACTFL OPI Exams are currently available in the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Cambodian, Cantonese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Farsi, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Thai, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Vietnamese. OPI scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions on the official transcript form directly from the ACTFL Language Testing International center. Information regarding taking an ACTFL OPI Exam is available online and in the Department of Foreign Languages. Credit will be assigned as detailed in the chart below:
Summary of ACE Credit Recommendations for Official ACTFL OPI Ratings
Official OPI Rating | Category I | Category II | Cateogry III | Category IV |
Novice High/ Intermediate Low | 2 LD | 2 LD | 3 LD | 3 LD |
Intermediate Mid | 4 LD | 5 LD | 6 LD | 6 LD |
Intermediate High/ Advanced Low | 8 LD | 8 LD + 2 UD | 6 LD + 3 UD | 6 LD + 3 UD |
Advanced Mid | 10 LD | 8 LD + 4 UD | 6 LD + 6 UD | 6 LD + 6 UD |
Advanced High/ Superior | 10 LD + 2 UD | 8 LD + 4 UD | 6 LD + 6 UD | 6 LD + 6 UD |
Category I
Dutch, English1, French, Haitian Creole, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili and Swedish.
Category II
German, Modern Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Punjabi and Urdu
Category III
Cambodian, Czech Hmong, Hebrew, Hungarian, Lao, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian2, Slovak, Tagalog, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian and Vietnamese
Category IV
Arabic, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin
- 1
English is treated as a foreign language
- 2
Serbian and Croatian have been combined to Serbo-Croatian. Credit recommendations are based on a semester hour.
LD = Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category
UD = Upper division baccalaureate degree category.
The 10 ACTFL OPI language proficiency ratings are: Superior, Advanced High, Advanced Mid, Advanced Low, Intermediate High, Intermediate Mid, Intermediate Low, Novice High, Novice Mid, Novice Low
DSST Program
Advanced standing credit may be earned through the Subject Examinations of the DSST Program. DSST examination scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions on an official transcript form sent directly from DSST. Acceptable minimum scores are subject to change according to norming revision of the company and/or subject review by UNA officials.
Advanced standing credit may be earned by making the minimum scores required for the university course equivalencies indicated below. Credit through DSST examinations may not be earned for courses in which previously or currently enrolled, including courses failed in residence, for courses in which credit already has been earned in course work at a higher level for both the DSST examination and its course equivalent.
For more information about DSST testing, please contact the Testing Coordinator at 256-765-4773.
Subject Examination | UNA Course Equivalency | Credit |
A History of the Vietnam War | History Elective (100-200 level) | 3 |
An Introduction to the Modern Middle East | History Elective (100-200 level) | 3 |
Western Europe (1946-1990) | History Elective (100-200 level) | 3 |
Ethics in America | Philosophy Elective (300-400) | 3 |
Introduction to Business | Management 100 | 3 |
Introduction to Law Enforcement | Criminal Justice 250 | 3 |
Fundamentals of College Algebra | Mathematics 100 | 3 |
Lifespan Development Psychology | Psychology Elective | 3 |
Human Resource Management | Management 362 | 3 |
Principals of Financial Accounting | Accounting 291 | 3 |
Principals of Statistics | Mathematics 147 | 3 |
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union | History Elective (300-400 level) | 3 |
All tests have a minimum pass score of 400 unless otherwise noted by DSST.
Retention And Disposal Of Admission Files
Admission records, including the original application for admission, transcripts, and the supporting credentials, are digitally imaged and indexed when students enroll at the University. All other files are retained in the Office of Admissions as inactive records for a period of two years from the beginning of the semester or term for which application was made.
The inactive records include those for applicants:
- who were admitted but did not enroll;
- who were rejected;
- who cancelled their applications; and
- whose files were incomplete.
All records will be destroyed after remaining in the inactive files for two years.