Department of Kinesiology

The Department of Kinesiology offers three Bachelor of Science degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, a Bachelor of Science in Health and Fitness, and a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management. These degrees do not lead to teacher certification. The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science has concentrations in Applied Exercise Physiology, Clinical Exercise Physiology, and Pre-Professional Studies. The Bachelor of Science in Health and Fitness has concentrations in Fitness Management and Health Promotion. The Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management has concentrations in Sport Management and Recreation Management. In addition, the department offers a teaching Bachelor of Science in Education degree and qualification for recommendation for the Alabama Class B Professional Certificate at the P-12 level in Physical Education.
The department also offers minors in Coaching and Officiating, Community Recreation, Exercise Science, Fitness Management, Health, Health Promotion, Outdoor Education, and Sport Management which may be applicable to other majors requiring a supportive minor. The department also offers, in partnership with the Department of Entertainment Industry, a minor and Certificate program in Sport and Entertainment Management. In addition, the Department of Kinesiology offers physical education activity courses which are available as elective credit to all students who wish to develop skills for personal recreational pursuits or lifetime physical activity.
All students majoring in the Department of Kinesiology, for all programs, must register for and successfully complete Senior Portfolio (HPE 000) prior to graduation.