Law Enforcement Academic Certificate

The Department of Politics, Justice, Law, and Philosophy offers a Law Enforcement Academic Certificate for practicing professionals in the criminal justice system. The certificate serves to enhance professional skills and maximize promotional opportunities while also satisfying state-mandated training requirements. The certificate is comprised of six advanced courses designed to broaden knowledge of the organizational, investigative and legal components of law enforcement work (all credits count toward the requirements for a degree in criminal justice at UNA).

Persons enrolled in certificate courses must be employed by a criminal justice agency, possess a high school diploma or GED, and be admitted to the University.

Requirements for a Law Enforcement Academic Certificate1

CJ 295Criminal Law3
CJ 326Professional Ethics and Legal Liabilities3
CJ 405Criminal Investigation3
CJ 406
Forensic Investigation
and Forensic Investigation Lab
CJ 430Criminal Evidence3
CJ 434Criminal Procedure3
Total Hours19

Introduction to Criminal Justice (CJ 250) is a prerequisite to all Law Enforcement academic certificate courses. Professionals who submit evidence of completing a state-certified police academy may have the CJ 250  prerequisite waived.