BS Major in Sport and Recreation Management

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Sport and Recreation Management

Additional Graduation Requirements

General Education Component
Area I (Written Composition)6
Area II (Humanities and Fine Arts)12
Business Ethics (PHL 250 is required for this major under the Area II Gen Ed component)
Area III (Natural Sciences and Mathematics)11
Area IV (History, Social and Behavioral Sciences) 112
Area V
Additional Requirements
CIS 125Business Applications of Microcomputer Software3
COM 205Communication in a Global Age3
or EC 251 Principles of Macroeconomics
HPE 233First Aid3
PE Activity (Advisor Approved)1
SRM 222Introduction to Sport and Recreation Management3
SRM 240Economics of Sport3
SRM 270Practicum in Sport and Recreation Management3
Major Core Requirements
HPE 000Senior Portfolio0
HPE 466WLegal Issues and Risk Management in Sport and Leisure Activities3
HPE 498Internship6
SRM 305Marketing of Sport and Recreational Activities3
SRM 310Sport Facilities and Events Management3
SRM 410Management of Sport and Recreation Organizatons3
SRM 498Internship6
COM 410Layout and Design I3
Major Concentration Requirements33
Select one of the following concentrations:
Total Hours120

For Area IV Gen Ed requirements HPE 175 or HPE 213 and SRM 200 are strongly recommended.

Recreation Management Concentration

Concentration Core:
HPE 102Weight Training and Conditioning1
or HPE 105 Walking/Jogging/Running
HPE 130Beginning Swimming1
or HPE 131 Intermediate Swimming
Lifetime Activity (Advisor Approved)1
SRM 340Commercial Recreation and Tourism3
SRM 341Recreational Programming and Leadership3
SRM 441Outdoor Education3
SRM 444Recreation for Special Populations3
SRM 480Recreational Leadeship3
or HPE 490 Research Methods: Introduction to Concepts and Analyses
Select one of the following emphases:18
Community Coaching and Officiating Emphasis
Nutrition and Human Performance
Introduction to Team Sports
Officiating Sports
Psychology of Coaching
Motor Learning
Community Recreation Emphasis
Foundations of Public Relations
Adapted Physical Education
Principles of Marketing
Family Life Education
Natural Resource Management
Golf for the Business Professional
Outdoor Recreation Emphasis
Wilderness First Responder
National Parks and the National Park Service
Outdoor Leadership
Expedition Leadership
Camp Leadership
Interpretation of Cultural and Natural Resources
Natural Resource Management
National Parks and the National Park Service
Outdoor Leadership
Expedition Leadership
Challenge Course Leadership
Adventure Therapy
Wildland Firefighter
Total Hours36

Sport Management Concentration

Concentration Core:
SRM 230Sociology of Sport3
SRM 300Sport Finance3
SRM 315Governance and Leadership of Sport3
SRM 320Sport Communication3
SRM 405Generating Revenue in the Sport Industry3
SRM 420Seminar in Sport Management3
or HPE 490 Research Methods: Introduction to Concepts and Analyses
Select one from the following:3
Theory and Practice in Coaching Sports
Psychology of Coaching
Sport Analytics
Golf for the Business Professional
Select one of the following emphases:12
Communication Emphasis
Media Writing
Basic Reporting
Foundations of Public Relations
Aural-Visual Production
Esport Emphasis
Psychology of Esport and Video Games
Contemporary Issues in Esport
Live Production Technology
Digital Marketing
Management Emphasis
Select 12 hours from the following:
Principles of Management
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Human Resources Management
Managerial Communications
Marketing Emphasis
Select 12 hours from the following:
Principles of Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Personal Selling
Consumer and Market Behavior
Total Hours33