Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

The Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership offers programs in Early Childhood Education (ECE), Elementary Education (EED), and Elementary K-6/Collaborative Special Education K-6 (EED/EEX). Successful completion of an ECE, EED, or EED/EEX program qualifies the candidate for recommendation for the appropriate Alabama Class B Certificate.
The Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership also offers certification programs for grades 6-12 in the following areas: biology, business and marketing, chemistry, English/language arts, French, general science, general social science, German, history, mathematics, physics, and Spanish. In addition, P-12 certification programs are offered in art, instrumental music, choral music, and physical education.
To qualify for recommendation for teacher certification, candidates must complete the equivalent of two majors: Education and a chosen teaching field. Though a double major is completed, there is only one degree granted; B.S.Ed. (Bachelor of Science in Education). See the following link for a description of requirements for admission and completion of a program that will enable the candidate to receive Class B certification:
- Accelerated Master's Program - Instructional Technology and Design
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Collaborative Special Education K-6
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Business and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - English/Language Arts
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - French
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - General Social Science
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - German
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - History
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Physics with General Science Concentration
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary Education - Spanish
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Teacher Education - Art P-12
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Teacher Education - Choral Music P-12
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Teacher Education - Instrumental Music P-12
- Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Teacher Education - Physical Education P-12
- Bachelor of Science in Instructional Technology & Design