Accelerated Master's Program - Instructional Technology and Design

This program allows for our undergraduate students the opportunity to begin a graduate program before completing their undergraduate degree.  This often leads to a quicker, smoother transition into our graduate program.

Minimum qualifications for admissions: Complete at least 59 hours toward undergraduate BSITD degree; Overall 3.0 GPA; with A's and B's in all major coursework; approval from majority ITD faculty vote with final approval from department chair.  Transfer students are eligible after completing 9 UNA hours in major and at least 59 undergraduate hours in total.

Minimum qualifications for continuation and graduation:  Students must maintain a 3.0 or higher with no grades lower than "C" in courses following admission to the AMP.  Following graduation, students must apply to the master's program for full acceptance.

Description of departmental application review process: Applications are reviewed for academic eligibility before being sent to faculty members for voting.  If an applicant does not meet the minimum academic criteria, the application is denied and that is communicated to the applicant.  If the applicant meets the criteria, faculty vote on admittance.

Description of departmental matriculation process: Students who enroll in the ITD-AMP who maintain good-standing and ultimately complete their undergraduate degree(including completion of up to but no more than 9 hours of AMP-approved ITD courses) will automatically be admitted to the MSITD program at UNA. Typical requirements and application fee for admission to graduate school will be waived.

Plan for advising to ensure success: Students in the accelerated master's program are advised prior to course registration and appropriate AMP courses are suggested for enrollment to maximize the benefit of the program for admitted students. 

List of core courses that can count for dual credit: ITD 612P; ITD 622P; ITD 632; ITD 642; ITD 681; ITD 692; ITD 697

Curriculum model, illustrating the time-table for completion: Students may begin taking courses once they complete 59 hours. Their timeline is discussed and decided with their academic advisor based on their academic
schedule with consideration given to their academic success. 

AMP Advisor: Dr. Natasha Lindsey,, 256.765.4943