HES - Human Environmental Sci (HES)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

HES 562. Family and Consumer Sciences in the School and Community. (3 Credits)

The relationship of family and consumer sciences to the school and community, including the underlying philosophies and objectives of teaching family and consumer sciences; development and organization of family and consumer sciences, with emphasis on the Alabama program, exploration and development of materials and methods for implementing the family and consumer sciences program. Prerequisites: ASBI/FBI background clearance. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

HES 606. Interior Design Seminar. (3 Credits)

The complex interaction and impact of the built environment on human behavior is examined through the context of social, behavioral, cultural and environmental variables. Emphasis on creating small-scale environments based on the interaction of the individual with the environment. This course employs readings, lectures and discussion to stimulate and refine critical thinking and practical design problem-solving abilities. Activities and assignments completed in this course contribute to the achievement of the CIEP Family and Consumer Sciences competencies (Standard 6: Housing, Interiors and Furnishings), as well as CIDA standards.

Course Fees: $60

HES 679. Continued Enrollment. (1-3 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

HES 779. Continued Enrollment. (1-3 Credits)

Course Fees: $60