SO - Sociology (SO)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

SO 500. Theories of Deviance. (3 Credits)

The major theoretical perspectives, both past and present, in the study of deviance in society.

Course Fees: $60

SO 501. Family Life Education. (3 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to increase students' understanding of the unique issues that children, youth, and families face and to help them to identify and apply appropriate research-based curricula that will help improve the quality of life of the families they serve. Students will become familiar with how to identify quality research-based programs, establish program goals, implement quality family life education programs, and evaluate programs for effectiveness. Also listed as FS 501, but creditable only in field for which registered. Prerequisites: By instructor permit only.

Course Fees: $60

SO 503. Gerontology. (3 Credits)

An advanced focus on the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging in American society.

Course Fees: $60

SO 510. Family Diversity and Social Change. (3 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the varying types of families they may encounter in research, policy, and human service careers and to help students become attuned to issues faced by families in a continually changing society. Also listed as FS 510, but creditable only in field for which registered.

Course Fees: $60

SO 521. Divided Cultures: A Study of Minority Groups. (3 Credits)

An advanced examination of race. ethnic, and gender differences and their intersection with the distribution of and access to opportunity structures in society.

Course Fees: $60

SO 523. History of Social Thought. (3 Credits)

Theory and methodology in social thought from ancient times to the present.

Course Fees: $60

SO 528. Modern Sociological Theory. (3 Credits)

Analysis of the major theoretical perspectives within sociology since the 1920s.

Course Fees: $60

SO 530. Law and Society. (3 Credits)

Analysis of the creation and functioning of law as an element of culture and how law, in its many cultural forms, affects the structure of social institutions and human behavior.

Course Fees: $60

SO 542. Social Psychology. (3 Credits)

The psychology of groups and their influences on the individual.

Course Fees: $60

SO 543. Social Psychology of Intimate Relationships. (3 Credits)

Social psychological analysis of the development, maintenance, and dissolution of intimate relationships such as friendship, courtship, and marriage. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical and empirical basis of understanding intimate relationships.

Course Fees: $60

SO 544. Sociology of Emotions. (3 Credits)

Examination of social and cultural nature of emotions including the process of emotional socialization; investigate emotions such as shame, guilt, empathy, jealousy, envy, and anger in the context of social institutions such as marriage and family, work, and education.

Course Fees: $60

SO 599. Independent Study-Practicum. (3 Credits)

Independent study, research, or practice experiences under departmental determinations, supervision, and evaluation. Enrollment by permission of chair of the department. Also listed as FS 599, but creditable only in field for which registered. International students must receive approval from the Office of International Affairs prior to course registration.

Course Fees: $60

SO 601. Indians of North America. (3 Credits)

Study of the aboriginal cultures of North America from the Arctic to Meso America. Special emphasis placed on their origins, on cultures prior to extensive acculturation, and on their contemporary situations.

Course Fees: $60

SO 603. Sociology of Education. (3 Credits)

Theoretical, conceptual, and descriptive contributions of sociology to education; structural analysis of education as a social system; and education as an instrument of change from sociological perspective.

Course Fees: $60

SO 605. Contemporary Topics in Famliy and Community Services. (3 Credits)

This course surveys contemporary issues in family and community services. Topics will be examined by developing a theoretical understanding of the issue and will foster both writing and critical inquiry skills related to the issue. May be repeated for up to six credit hours.

Course Fees: $60

SO 607. Urban Sociology. (3 Credits)

Historical and contemporary causes, trends, and patterns of urbanization throughout the world. Various approaches to studying the process of urbanization, including ecological, social organization, and political perspective. Current developments and problems in urban planning.

Course Fees: $60

SO 609. Principles of Sociological Analysis. (3 Credits)

Advanced course in general sociology designed to give a systematic conception of social order, focusing on its structural components and the functions they serve.

Course Fees: $60