SEM-Security & Emergency Mgmt (SEM)
*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour
SEM 500. Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. (3 Credits)
A study of the history of the fields of Homeland Security and Emergency Management; contemporary homeland security and emergency management concepts, functions, and practices for the civilian government sector, military, law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.
Course Fees: $60
SEM 505. Terrorism and Terrorist Operations. (3 Credits)
The history, methods, and philosophy of terrorism are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on extremism as a foundation for terrorist behavior, types of terrorism, and how governments and law enforcement agencies respond to terrorism. Case studies of terrorist activities and implications for emergency response are highlighted. Prerequisites SEM 500.
Course Fees: $60
SEM 506. Disaster Response and Recovery. (3 Credits)
How people, groups, organizations, communities and governments manage disasters in the immediate aftermath and recover from their effects, including social, physical, business, and infrastructure problems as well as intra- and inter-organizational issues. Prerequisites SEM 500.
Course Fees: $60
SEM 560. Homeland Security & Emergency Management Seminar/Exercise. (3 Credits)
A two-day (onsite) seminar/exercise with online preparatory readings, discussions, and assignments during the course. The exercise serves as the capstone event for the SEM program and should be taken at the conclusion of all other coursework. Prerequisites SEM 500.
Course Fees: $60
SEM 595. Internship/Practicum in Security and Emergency Management. (3 Credits)
Open to program participants who have completed all other coursework in the Security Studies and Emergency Management program (minor, certificate or area of concentration). Provides for independent study, research, or practical experiences under departmental determination, supervision, and evaluation. Prerequisites SEM 500.
Course Fees: $60
SEM 597. Special Topics In Security and Emergency Management. (3 Credits)
Topical courses exploring contemporary topics in the field of security studies and emergency management. Topics will be treated by developing a theoretical and practical understanding of the issues focused on in the course and will foster both writing and critical inquiry skills. Prerequisites SEM 500.
Course Fees: $60