CJ - Criminal Justice (CJ)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

CJ 250. Introduction to Criminal Justice. (3 Credits)

A survey of the elements of the criminal justice system including the nature and definition of criminal law, the functions of the police, courts and corrections as subsystems and their interrelationship within the total system. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 255. Police Organizations and Community Relations. (3 Credits)

A study of the organization and functions of police agencies, with special reference to state and local agencies and community relations. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 260. Introduction to Restorative Justice. (3 Credits)

This course will introduce students to the basic theories and practices of restorative justice, an indigenous philosophy that seeks to repair harm by strengthening relationships through accountability, healing, and community-building. Beginning with the global history of this ancient practice, students will gain familiarity with transforming harm and shame through strategies such as restorative questions, circles, compassionate witnessing, victim-offender conferencing, and preventative practices that strengthen relationships. (Fall, Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 285. Corrections. (3 Credits)

A survey of the historical, sociological, and philosophical development of corrections; analysis of institutional operation, programming, and management. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 295. Criminal Law. (3 Credits)

A study of the historical and philosophical concepts of law, preserving life and property, offense against person and property, and common offense and defense to criminal acts. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 306. Juvenile Delinquency. (3 Credits)

An analysis of the nature, causes, and extent of juvenile delinquency; and an evaluation of preventive programs. Also listed as SO 306. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 320. Current Issues in Security and Emergency Management. (3 Credits)

To be effective in the field of Security and Emergency Management, one must have mastery and understanding of the contemporary management principles and strategies of homeland security and emergency management operations. Additionally, one must also stay abreast of emerging trends, challenges, practices, and problems within the profession and academic discipline. Those are the areas we will explore in this course. Also listed as SEM 320 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Summer – on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 323. Criminology. (3 Credits)

A study of crime and criminal behavior in American society, with special emphasis on the individual, group trends, and theories concerning treatment. Also listed as SO 323. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 326. Professional Ethics and Legal Liabilities. (3 Credits)

An examination of standards and principles through which professional misconduct is recognized in an emerging system of ethics and law applicable to criminal justice practitioners. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 330. Family Violence. (3 Credits)

An examination of intrafamily physical, sexual, and emotional abuse: its causes, its consequences, its extent and the manner in which social control agencies have responded to it. Also listed as SO 331 and WS 330 but creditable only in the field for which registered. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 336. Community-Based Corrections. (3 Credits)

Organization of systems of aftercare treatment of juvenile and adult offenders released under probation and parole. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 345. The Justice System: Race, Class, Gender. (3 Credits)

This course will explore issues related to race, class, gender and justice. Law in the United States has been used to define people's racial and ethnic identity, to hold people in bondage and to free them, to deny and protect basic rights, to segregate and to integrate. In addition, through the definition and prosecution of criminal offenses, law has been an agent both of oppression and protection. We will consider the complex role of law as it relates to race, class and gender. Also listed as SO 345 and WS 345 but creditable only in field for which registered. Prerequisite: CJ 250. (Fall, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 350. Interagency Cooperation. (3 Credits)

Interagency cooperation within the US federal system including the nature, role, function, and jurisdiction of agencies and how they work together in doing the business of government in the emergency management, homeland security, and law enforcement realm. Also listed as PS 350 and SEM 350 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Fall - even years - with sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 390. Substance Abuse. (3 Credits)

A comprehensive study concerning the historical, social, and legal aspects of substance abuse. This course explores the impact of substance abuse on criminal behavior, criminal justice personnel, and the community. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 405. Criminal Investigation. (3 Credits)

Investigation, methodology, relations of the detective with other police divisions, modus operandi, evidence development, source of information, interview, interrogation, surveillance, and courtroom testimony. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 406. Forensic Investigation. (3 Credits)

An examination of modern forensic science principles and techniques as applied to the detection, collection, preservation and analysis of crime scene evidence. Course topics will include but are not limited to fingerprints, serological evidence, trace evidence, and other evidentiary items. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 406L. Forensic Investigation Lab. (1 Credit)

Applied field experience in crime scene documentation. evidence collection/storage, evidence processing, and evidence transportation. Topics include fingerprint, trace, blood, and firearm/ballistic evidence. Prerequisite: Current registration of CJ 406. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 410. Terrorism and Terrorist Operations. (3 Credits)

The history, methods, and philosophy of terrorism are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on extremism as a foundation for terrorist behavior, types of terrorism, and how governments and law enforcement agencies respond to terrorism. Case studies of terrorist activities and implications for emergency response are highlighted. Also listed as SEM 410 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 413. Public Organization/Bureaucratic Theory. (3 Credits)

This course is a study of the many theories that attempt to explain how organizations and the people in them will behave in varying organizational structures, cultures, and environments. Special attention is given to the role of democratic accountability, justice, and fairness. Also listed as PS 413 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 415. Ethics in Administrative Leadership. (3 Credits)

This course examines major ethical issues that arise in public administration. Theoretical justification and application for ethical problems that arise in leadership positions will be explored. Also listed as PHL 415 and PS 415 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 418. Regulating Vice In American Cities. (3 Credits)

An examination of the challenges posed by culture war movements and how they clash with religious institutions, interest group forces, electoral politics, and governance in American communities. Students will study the diverse sets of policies adopted by cities to curb vice and deal with it consequences. Students will become familiar with the various obstacles faced by researchers and lawmakers in their attempts to better understand public policy that deals with morality politics. Also listed as PS 418 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 420. International Law Enforcement and Emergency Management. (3 Credits)

Introduction and overview of Law Enforcement and Emergency Response in an international or comparative context. Exploration of trends within the areas of transnational crime, regional and global crisis intervention as well as the international structures and functions created to deal with these issues. Analysis of current trends, operations, practices and emerging issues within the field. Includes a required short-term study abroad experience (additional cost) where students will get a hands-on experience within the international law enforcement and emergency response environment. Also listed as SEM 420 but creditable only in field for which registered. (Fall, odd-numbered years – with sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 422. Politics, Justice, and Law in Television and Film. (3 Credits)

The course will examine how the national political mood affects scripted television programing and movie releases and the possible effects entertainment can have of the public’s view and understanding of politics, justice, and the law. (Summer on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 430. Criminal Evidence. (3 Credits)

An examination of the basic principles of evidence including but not limited to testimonial and physical evidence used in the prosecution of criminal cases. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 431. Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. (3 Credits)

In addition to the history of bloodstain pattern identification, instruction will be focused on the proper recognition of bloodstain pattern identification and how the findings choreograph within crime scene reconstruction within a wide range of crime scene scenarios. Prerequisites: CJ 406, CJ 406L and current registration in CJ 431L. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 431L. Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Lab. (1 Credit)

Experimentation of blood flight behavior from differing effects of motion and force utilizing simulated blood (physically similar spatter training blood) on a number of common bloodstain pattern crime scene targets will be conducted firsthand in a group work setting. The introduction of bloodstain pattern identification tools will be emphasized to include, but not limited to the following: Presumptive Field Test kits (Luminal, Bluestar, Hexagon OBTI [human blood verifier], and Phenolphthalein), Supersticks, and trajectory string kits. Instruction will be focused on the proper recognition of bloodstain patterns, determination of bloodstain pattern impact angles, defining the area of origin, target surface influence, and point of convergence. Prerequisites: CJ 406, CJ 406L, and current registration of CJ 431. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 432. Crime Scene Reconstruction. (3 Credits)

This course culminates the utilization and application of the knowledge of the physics of evidence, the interpretation of bloodstain pattern identification, fingerprint and ballistic evidence, and other forensically based evidence in crime scenes into re-creating the crime scene for purposes of producing investigative leads in identifying the perpetrator's method of operation. Prerequisites: CJ 406, CJ 406L, CJ 431, CJ 431L. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 433. Evidence Management. (3 Credits)

Emphasis will be focused on learning policy development that focuses on organizational structure, documentation, safety, security, storage, evidence handling procedures, audits, and evidence purging. Prerequisites:CJ 406, and CJ 406L. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 434. Criminal Procedure. (3 Credits)

Examines the procedural requirements for judicial processing of criminal offenders. Topics include the concepts of evidence sufficiency, standards of proof, due process, and constitutional safeguards. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 440W. Research Methods in Criminal Justice. (3 Credits)

Examines the methodologies employed by criminal justice researchers and professionals. Prerequisite: CJ 323. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 441. Research Practicum in Criminal Justice. (3 Credits)

Practical application of criminal justice analysis and methods conducting criminal justice research projects. Includes selection of methods and analytical techniques, data collection, and report writing. Prerequisites: CJ 323, CJ 440W, and MA 110 or higher. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 450. Criminal Justice, Public Policy and Administration. (3 Credits)

Familiarizes students with the justification and logic of selected crime control policies and assess their effectiveness. The course also explores the effect of policies on agency functions. Prerequisite: CJ 323. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 480. Psychological Dimensions of Criminal Justice Practice. (3 Credits)

Examines the psychological dimensions of criminal justice practice. Topics include the psychology of criminal conduct, the science of forensic profiling, the interviewing and interrogation of suspects, witnesses and victims, the interpersonal relationships among criminal justice professionals and members of the public, and other timely selected topics. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 485. APOST Law Enforcement Preparation. (3 Credits)

APOST Law Enforcement Preparation. An experiential learning course focused on preparing students to meet academic, physical, and mental requirements of passing the Alabama Peace Officer Standards and Training (APOST) Academy. Specific academic focus will address the following topics: use of force, de-escalation techniques, communication skills, stress management, conflict resolution, traffic stops, Terry Stop/Frisk components, and patrol techniques. Registration is limited to only juniors and seniors Prerequisites: ASBI/FBI background clearance and CJ 250. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CJ 485L and HPE 105 or HPE 102. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 485L. APOST Law Enforcement Preparation Lab. (1 Credit)

Students will be required to ultimately pass the APOST firearms qualification course. This will be accomplished by teaching students on semi-automatic pistols (CCIR owned). Topics of instruction include weapon function, stance, grip, sight picture/alignment, trigger control/follow through, eye dominance, holster/magazine holder placement on belt, basic, malfunction clearing, reloading basics, dry fire drills, live fire drills, shooting positions (standing/kneeling), APOST Qualification (students MUST pass the APOST qualification course as part of final with a score of at least 70). Registration is limited to ONLY juniors or seniors. Each student is required to pass a background check conducted by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency by completing necessary criminal history forms and submitting fingerprint cards. Students registering for this course can NOT have a prior conviction of domestic violence or a felony, or any other disqualifying component for a person to be in possession of a firearm as meeting the requirements of Code of Alabama, Title Section 13A-11-72. Students are not allowed to leave Cypress Creek Indoor Range with any ammunition (unless otherwise allowed by law), equipment, and/or weapons. Students will also be required to sign a Cypress Creek Indoor Range waiver form. Prerequisites: ASBI/FBI background clearance and CJ 250. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CJ 485 and HPE 105 or HPE 102. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 491. Special Topics. (3 Credits)

This course surveys a contemporary justice issue. Topics will be treated by developing a theoretical understanding of the issue and will foster both writing and critical inquiry skills. Course may be repeated for credit with change of course title and topic covered. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 492. Advanced Methods. (3 Credits)

This course is an introduction to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and how this statistical technique is used in social science research. Also listed as PS 492 but creditable only in field for which registered. Prerequisite: PS 301W or CJ 441. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 493. Studies in Family Justice. (3 Credits)

An interdisciplinary course with a focus on support services for victims and survivors of rape, domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault and child abuse. After the completion of this course, students will be eligible to apply for an internship with One Place of the Shoals, Inc. or other department approved service providers. Also listed as SO 493 but creditable only in the field for which registered. Prerequisite: Departmental approval required. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 494. Internship in Family Justice. (3 Credits)

The internship is a continuation of CJ 493 and will place the intern at One Place of the Shoals, Inc. or another department approved service provider where the student will spend a minimum of 150 hours during the semester under joint supervision of the agency and the university. Internship responsibilities may include providing support to victims by assisting in casework with victim service providers, law enforcement agencies, and/or attorneys. Also listed as SO 494 but creditable only in the field for which registered. International students must receive approval from the Office of International Affairs prior to course registration. Prerequisite: CJ 493. (Fall on sufficient demand, Spring on sufficient demand, Summer on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 495. Internship in Criminal Justice. (3 Credits)

Supervised work experience with a criminal justice agency in which the student spends a minimum of 150 hours during the term under joint supervision of the agency and the University. There will be four meeting sessions during the internship period designed to evaluate and discuss the internship experience. International students must receive approval from the Office of International Affairs prior to course registration. Prerequisites: Junior or senior level students and departmental approval. (Fall on sufficient demand, Spring on sufficient demand, Summer on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

CJ 499. Independent Study-Practicum. (3 Credits)

Provides for independent study, research, or practical experiences under departmental supervision and evaluation. May be repeated for credit pending department chair approval. Departmental approval required for registration. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60