FR - French (FR)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

FR 1XX. French Elective. (1-3 Credits)

FR 101. Introductory French. (3 Credits)

Emphasizes listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Basic concepts of grammar are introduced. Course is enhanced with audio, video, software and Internet components. No prior knowledge of the language is required. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

FR 102. Introductory French. (3 Credits)

A continuation of French 101. Prerequisite: FR 101 or equivalent. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

FR 201. Intermediate French. (3 Credits)

Review and expansion of grammar and vocabulary. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills further developed. Prerequisite: two years of high school French or FR 102. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

FR 202. Intermediate French. (3 Credits)

A continuation of French 201. Prerequisite: FR 201 or equivalent. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

FR 320. French Grammar. (3 Credits)

This course is designed for students who have completed the basic and intermediate series of French courses and are continuing their language study in a French-speaking study abroad program. French Grammar is an intensive grammar and conversation class designed to improve oral and written proficiency in the French language. Prerequisite: FR 202 or instructor approval (with demonstrated language proficiency.) (Only offered in Study Abroad settings.)

Course Fees: $60

FR 350. Conversation and Pronunciation. (3 Credits)

Thematic approach to improvement of conversational skills in French combined with limited study of corrective phonetics for accuracy in pronunciation. Prerequisite: FR 201 or departmental approval. (Fall, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 351. Written Expression in French. (3 Credits)

Development of writing skills with an emphasis on vocabulary-building, grammatical accuracy, and the mastery of a variety of styles. Prerequisite: FR 201 or departmental approval. (Spring, odd-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 352. Civilization and Culture. (3 Credits)

Study of the history of French speaking civilization with emphasis on contemporary cultural patterns. Prerequisite: FR 201 or departmental approval. (Spring, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 353. French for Business. (3 Credits)

Introduction to commercial language by means of oral and written practice. Prerequisite: FR 201 or departmental approval. (Fall, odd-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 403W. Advanced French for Business. (3 Credits)

A study of commercial language used in French language business transactions and correspondence. Prerequisite: FR 353. (Spring, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 410W. Survey of French Literature I. (3 Credits)

This course provides an overview of French Medieval, Renaissance, and Classical literature and culture, and acquaints students with major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. Special emphasis is placed on close reading of texts in order to train students to read critically and to familiarize them with major authors, genres and their interpretation. (Fall, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 411W. Survey of French Literature II. (3 Credits)

This course provides an overview of French Enlightenment, 19th-century, and 20th century literature and culture, and acquaints students with major literary, intellectual and historical trends through the study of representative works from each period. Special emphasis is placed on close reading of texts in order to train students to read critically and to familiarize them with major authors, genres and their interpretation.(Spring, odd numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

FR 420. Advanced French Grammar. (3 Credits)

Advanced French Grammar provides a deeper understanding of the basic principles guiding French grammar, in part by introducing new grammar rules, but primarily by reviewing and explaining in depth the grammar rules that were learned on the 100 level and reinforced in FR 201 Intermediate French I and FR 202 Intermediate French II. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

FR 491W. Special Topics in French Studies. (3 Credits)

This course is conducted in French. This course will provide students with a detailed study of a particular topic of special interest. Students will be assigned material in order to conduct a research project relevant to their field of academic study and interests. Topics will vary but will be listed in the schedule of classes and on the student's transcripts. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: FR 350 or FR 351. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

FR 496. French Internship. (3 Credits)

Open to seniors majoring or minoring in French; contingent on availability of internship. Students gain special field experience by working in cooperation with a public or private agency approved by the department for a minimum average of twelve hours per week. May not be repeated for credit. International students must receive approval from the Office of International Affairs prior to course registration. Prerequisites: FR 350; an Oral Proficiency Interview rating in the target language of at least Intermediate-Mid; departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

FR 499. Independent Study. (1-3 Credits)

Open to majors on approval of the chair of the department. Provides for independent study and/or research under departmental supervision and evaluation. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60