HES - Human Environmental Sci (HES)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

HES 100. Introduction to Human Sciences, Hospitality, and Design. (1 Credit)

Human sciences, hospitality, and design as areas of study. Integrating concepts from the concentrations of child development, culinary arts, family and consumer sciences, food service management, hospitality management, interior design, merchandising, and therapeutic nutrition. Focus on preparing for a successful educational experience within the HSHD department. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

HES 101. Development of Interpersonal and Relationship Skills. (3 Credits)

The central purpose of this course is to help students develop the skills necessary to be effective in relationships of all types. These can include interactions with your roommates, friends, lovers, co-workers, neighbors, and even your professors. Platonic or romantic. Across all ages and types of people.

Course Fees: $60

HES 199. Service Learning. (3 Credits)

This course is designed to introduce students to Service Learning through the integration of academic learning about local, national, and global issues with service work addressing those concerns. Approval of supervising department required. (Offered upon sufficient demand.)

Course Fees: $60

HES 201. Adolescent Development. (3 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to focus on the development of youth from pre-adolescence to late adolescence and emerging adulthood. Development in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional domains are discussed. Topics related to developmental contexts are examined using a variety of methods.

Course Fees: $60

HES 212. Creative Experiences for Young Children. (3 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to help parents and teachers develop an understanding of creative experiences for young children (birth to age five). The environment, activities, and techniques for helping children explore, discover, and practically apply creative problem-solving through the creative arts will be examined.

Course Fees: $60

HES 230. Culinary Math. (3 Credits)

Introduction to principles of culinary computations. Foundational knowledge of principles and techniques for calculating the cost of producing and serving food items and pricing to be profitable.

Course Fees: $60

HES 244. Exceptional Learners Birth to Age Five. (3 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the development of diverse leaners, focusing on young children (birth to age five). The personal, relational, and educational needs of diverse learners are discussed. The impact of family, school, and community are examined.

Course Fees: $60

HES 251. Introduction to Nutirtion. (4 Credits)

This course will enable students to apply basic nutritional concepts to personal, everyday life by introducing them to the study of foods, the nutrients and other chemical components in foods, the actions and interactions of foods and their chemical components in the body, the influence of culture on food selection, and the influence of foods on health and disease.

Course Fees: $60

HES 301. Parents, Schools, & Communities. (3 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to focus on the history of family/school collaboration, current issues and population trends affecting American Schools and communities, divers family structures,and techniques for establising connections with parents and encouraging involvement with their child's learning. Prerequisite: HES 362 or PY 344.

Course Fees: $60

HES 312. Creative Arts for Children. (3 Credits)

To help the teacher of children develop an understanding of process and product in the creative arts. The learning setting, activities, and techniques for helping children explore, discover, and practically apply creative problem-solving through the creative arts will be studied. Also listed as ECE 312 but creditable only in field for which registered.

Course Fees: $60

HES 344. Intro to Students with Dis. (3 Credits)

A survey course in the education of students with disabilities. This course provides information on the various disabilities and facilitates an understanding of the basic special education services and adaptations provided to individuals with disabilities and students who are culturally different. Also listed as EEX 340 but creditable only in field for which registered.

Course Fees: $60

HES 359. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course number reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances. The courses are discipline specific with variable credit and when offered, they are identified by department content and credit.

Course Fees: $60

HES 362. Child Development. (3 Credits)

Human development from the prenatal to kindergarten stage. Consideration of nursery school materials and experiences to foster development. Supervised experiences including participation and home visits. Two class periods, two scheduled participation hours, and one free observation hour per week. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

HES 369. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course number reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances. The courses are discipline specific with variable credit and when offered, they are identified by department content and credit.

Course Fees: $60

HES 370. Language and Literacy Development in Young Children. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on how language and literacy develop in young children through play, meaningful communication, literature, and laned learning experiences.

Course Fees: $60

HES 372. Methods and Materials for Young Children. (3 Credits)

This course emphasizes child-centered teaching across the curriculum. A variety of developmentally appropriate methods and materials are presented in course content.

Course Fees: $60

HES 375. Management and Economic Problems for the Consumer. (3 Credits)

Increased consumer competence through management of family resources, including standards and labeling in buying, advertising, credit, savings, investment, insurance, and taxes; emphasis on governmental protection and consumer values. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

HES 389. On-Campus Internship. (3 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

HES 399. Service Learning. (1-6 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

HES 405. Parenting Strategies. (3 Credits)

The purpose of the course is to each strategies that promote effective parenting, such as communication skills, guidance techniques, and positive discipline. The emphasis is on building skills, providing support, and helping parents understand the needs and abilities of children across each stage of development. Prerequisite: HES 362 or PY 344.

Course Fees: $60

HES 443. Family Develpment. (3 Credits)

The structure and function of the family, its interaction with other societal institutions, and the effect on all family members; student assessment of special concerns of all aspects of parenthood related to the care, development, and discipline of children. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

HES 460. Administration of Programs for Young Children. (3 Credits)

This course focuses on establishing and managing a successful program for young children. Points of emphasis include Policies and Procedures, Supervision and Staff Development, Health and Safety, Managing Facilities and Equipment, and Finances and Marketing.

Course Fees: $60

HES 462. Family and Consumer Sciences in the School and Community. (3 Credits)

The relationship of family and consumer sciences to the school and community, including the underlying philosophies and objectives of teaching family and consumer sciences; development and organization of family and consumer sciences, with emphasis on the Alabama program; exploration and development of materials and methods for implementing the family and consumer sciences program. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

HES 463. Home and Family Management. (3 Credits)

Management of time, energy, money, and other resources to meet needs in individual and family living; application through supervised laboratory, personal, and community eperiences including helping families meet the needs of the elderly. Two class periods; one 2-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: HES 375. (Offered upon sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

HES 468. Practicum in Child Development. (3 Credits)

A field experience course requiring 45 hours of observation and interaction with young children. The creation of a learning environment for this age group, theories of child development, and the development of appropriate learning activities will be emphasized. Prerequisite: HES 362. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

HES 474. Early Childhood Programs. (3 Credits)

Practical techniques for the teacher of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children. Emphasis is placed on developmentally appropriate curriculum and program development as well as the needs of the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten child.

Course Fees: $60