MU - Music (MU)

*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour

MU 1XX. Music Elective. (1-3 Credits)

MU 011. Performance Attendance. (0 Credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide a formal vehicle for organizing, monitoring and evaluating music students' learning experiences through attendance at performances, such as recitals and concerts. Students seeking to complete a major in music or a minor in music must register for and successfully complete the requirements for this course a total of six times and two times, respectively. A list of events that qualify for performance attendance credit is published each semester by the Department of Music.

Course Fees: $60

MU 012. Piano Proficiency. (0 Credits)

Examination of keyboard skills. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis. All music majors must pass the Piano Proficiency before graduation. It is highly recommended that the proficiency be passed no later than two years after entering one of the Department of Music degree programs. The 4 credits in Class Piano I, II, III, and IV (MU 131, 132, 231, and 232) can be used to prepare and master the piano proficiency. The Department of Music will administratively add MU 012 to a student's schedule after they have passed all the requirements of the piano proficiency examination. The student does not need to register for the course, however must inform the Department of Music Office of completion in order for this action to be taken.

Course Fees: $60

MU 100. Fundamentals of Music. (3 Credits)

An accelerated introductory course intended to prepare music students for college-level study in the field of music theory.

Course Fees: $60

MU 101. Music Theory I. (3 Credits)

The melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and structural elements of music; written harmonization and dictation; and musical analysis. Must be taken concurrently with MU 190 or may be taken separately if previous credit for Sight Singing and Ear Training has been awarded. Prerequisite: MU 100 or departmental approval. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 102. Music Theory II. (3 Credits)

A continuation of Music 101. Must be taken concurrently with MU 191 or may be taken separately if previous credit for Sight Singing and Ear Training has been awarded. Prerequisite: MU 101. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 104. Una Voce. (1 Credit)

A small vocal ensemble where students are selected by audition from Collegiate Singers or by departmental approval. Two rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated once with the exception of 404 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 105. University Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of literature for the band. Five class periods of rehearsal per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 405 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 106. Jazz Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of popular music. Students are selected for the Jazz Band by audition and have two rehearsals per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 406 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 108. Opera/Musical Theater. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of opera and musical theater repertoire. Three afternoon rehearsals per week with occasional additional rehearsals added as needed. Each course number may be repeated only once with the exception of 408 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Admission by audition only.

Course Fees: $60

MU 109. Shoals Symphony at UNA. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of orchestral music. Two class periods of rehearsal per week. Students are selected by audition. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 409 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 110. Collegiate Singers. (1 Credit)

Specialized study and performance of choral music. Students are selected for the Collegiate Singers by audition and have four rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 410 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 111. Voice. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 112. Piano. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 113. Organ. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 114. Brass. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 115. Percussion. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 116. Strings. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 117. Woodwinds. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 118. Guitar. (1-3 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 121. Class Voice. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 123. Composition. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 124. Harp. (1,2 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 125. Alexander Technique. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in Alexander Technique by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with six hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 127. Chamber Choir. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various insturments. Each class has one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in level of competency. Admission by departmental approval. Prereuisite: assignment be departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 131. Class Piano I. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 132. Class Piano II. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 135. Class Accompanying. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 137. Keyboard Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 141. Class Brass. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 147. Brass Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 151. Class Percussion. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 157. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 158. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 161. Class Strings. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 167. String Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 171. Class Woodwinds. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 177. Woodwind Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 181. Class Guitar. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60

MU 187. Guitar Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 190. Sight Singing/Ear Training I. (1 Credit)

The development of vocal skills through music reading (singing); and aural skills through melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation and keyboard harmonization. Two class periods per week. Must be taken concurrently with MU 101 or may be taken separately if previous credit for theory has been awarded. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 191. Sight Singing /Ear Training II. (1 Credit)

A continuation of MU 190. Two class periods per week. Prerequisite: must be taken concurrently with MU 102 or may be taken separately if previous credit for theory has been awarded. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 195. Vocal Diction I. (2 Credits)

The study of phonetic sounds based on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for purpose of singing in the English and Latin languages. Assignments include written and oral work and quizzes as well as the performance of selected works from the solo song repertoire written in English and Latin.

Course Fees: $60

MU 196. Vocal Diction II. (2 Credits)

The study of phonetic sounds based on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for purpose of singing in the Italian, French and German languages. Assignments include written and oral work and quizzes as well as the performance of selected works from the solo song repertoire written in Italian, French and German. Prerequisite: MU 195.

Course Fees: $60

MU 199. Service Learning. (3 Credits)

This course is designed to introduce students to Service Learning through the integration of academic learning about local, national, and global issues with service work addressing those concerns. Approval of supervising department required. (Offered upon sufficient demand.)

Course Fees: $60

MU 201. Music Theory III. (3 Credits)

Complex musical forms of music. Nineteenth and twentieth century treatment of melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and structural materials, with emphasis on chromatic harmony. Prerequisites: MU 101, 102. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 202. Music Theory IV. (3 Credits)

A continuation of Music 201. Prerequisite: MU 201. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 204. Una Voce. (1 Credit)

A small vocal ensemble where students are selected by audition from Collegiate Singers or by departmental approval. Two rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated once with the exception of 404 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 205. University Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of literature for the band. Five class periods of rehearsal per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 405 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 206. Jazz Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of popular music. Students are selected for the Jazz Band by audition and have two rehearsals per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 406 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 208. Opera/Musical Theater. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of opera and musical theater repertoire. Three afternoon rehearsals per week with occasional additional rehearsals added as needed. Each course number may be repeated only once with the exception of 408 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Admission by audition only.

Course Fees: $60

MU 209. Shoals Symphony at UNA. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of orchestral music. Two class periods of rehearsal per week. Students are selected by audition. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 409 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 210. Collegiate Singers. (1 Credit)

Specialized study and performance of choral music. Students are selected for the Collegiate Singers by audition and have four rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 410 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 211. Voice. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 212. Piano. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 213. Organ. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 214. Brass. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 215. Percussion. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 216. Strings. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 217. Woodwinds. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 218. Guitar. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 222. Music Appreciation. (3 Credits)

The materials of music terminologies, styles, literature, and forms covered chronologically from Baroque to twentieth century. Lecture and listening designed to enhance a better understanding and enjoyment of music.

Course Fees: $60

MU 222H. Honors Music Appreciation. (3 Credits)

Directed independent study of text followed by class listening and discussion. Music literature from the Renaissance through the 20th Century studied critically with special emphasis on how the various musical styles were affected by the parallel movements in the visual arts and the socio-economic and political conditions of the time periods. Emphasis on written examinations. Students must be members of the Honors Program or have departmental approval to enroll in this course. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 223. Composition. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 224. Harp. (1,2 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 225. Alexander Technique. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in Alexander Technique by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with six hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated with departmental approval. Prerequisite: MU 125.

Course Fees: $60

MU 227. Chamber Choir. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 231. Class Piano III. (1 Credit)

Basic instruction in voice and instruments in a class situation. Each class meets two periods per week for one credit hour. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 232. Class Piano IV. (1 Credit)

The fourth of four levels of basic instruction in piano in a group-learning environment. Meets two 50-minute periods per week for one hour credit. Prerequisite: MU 231.

Course Fees: $60

MU 233. Music in World Cultures. (3 Credits)

This course is an examination of Western and of non-Western musical cultures, including ethnic origins of folk and traditional music in North America. It includes independent reading and listening assignments, weekly online discussion posts, quizzes on all materials, a short cross-cultural event paper, and a final research project.

Course Fees: $60

MU 237. Keyboard Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 244. Survey of Music Literature. (3 Credits)

A general survey of the forms and styles of music. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 247. Brass Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 257. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 258. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 267. String Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 277. Woodwind Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 287. Guitar Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 290. Sight Singing/Ear Training III. (1 Credit)

This course is co-requisite for MU 201 Music Theory III and is the third in the sequence of instruction that seeks to build aural skills as a companion skill set to the study of music theory. A continuation of Sight Singing/Ear Training II, this course focuses on building technical competencies and musical understandings of rhythm reading, sight singing, melodic dictation and other aural and written skills. Two classes per week. Must be taken concurrently with MU 201. Prerequisites: MU 191 or departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 291. Sight Singing/Ear Training IV. (1 Credit)

This course is co-requisite for MU 202 Music Theory IV and is the fourth and final course in the sequence of instruction that seeks to build aural skills as a companion skill set to the study of music theory. A continuation of Sight Singing/Ear Training III, this course focuses on completion of the process through which students build technical competencies and musical understandings of rhythm reading, sight singing, melodic dictation and other aural and written skills necessary for professional careers in music and the advanced study of music. Two classes per week. Must be taken concurrently with MU 202. Prerequisites: MU 290 or departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 304. Una Voce. (1 Credit)

A small vocal ensemble where students are selected by audition from Collegiate Singers or by departmental approval. Two rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated once with the exception of 404 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 305. University Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of literature for the band. Five class periods of rehearsal per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 405 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 306. Jazz Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of popular music. Students are selected for the Jazz Band by audition and have two rehearsals per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 406 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 308. Opera/Musical Theater. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of opera and musical theater repertoire. Three afternoon rehearsals per week with occasional additional rehearsals added as needed. Each course number may be repeated only once with the exception of 408 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Admission by audition only.

Course Fees: $60

MU 309. Shoals Symphony at UNA. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of orchestral music. Two class periods of rehearsal per week. Students are selected by audition. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 409 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 310. Collegiate Singers. (1 Credit)

Specialized study and performance of choral music. Students are selected for the Collegiate Singers by audition and have four rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 410 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 311. Voice. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 312. Piano. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 313. Organ. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 314. Brass. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 315. Percussion. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 316. Strings. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 317. Woodwinds. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 318. Guitar. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 319. Junior Recital. (1 Credit)

Public performance of repertoire from the student’s performance area. Performance is given after completion of Sophomore Barrier and prior to enrollment in applied music at the 400 level. Only required of Performance majors. All others must gain departmental approval for scheduling a Junior Recital. Prerequisite: at least four credit hours of study at the 200-level of applied music; completion of Sophomore Barrier in applied music; departmental approval. (Fall, Spring. Summer).

Course Fees: $60

MU 323. Composition. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 324. Harp. (1,2 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 325. Alexander Technique. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in Alexander Technique by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with six hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated with departmental approval. Prerequisites: MU 125 and MU 225.

Course Fees: $60

MU 327. Chamber Choir. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 337. Keyboard Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 345. History of Music I. (3 Credits)

The development of musical thought, tendencies, styles, and influences; the relationships and coordinations among the fine arts up to 1750. The background and setting of social and political history. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 346W. History of Music II. (3 Credits)

The development of musical thought, tendencies, styles, and influences; the relationships and coordinations among the fine arts from 1750 to the present. The background and setting of social and political history. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 347. Brass Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 350. Dance I. (1 Credit)

A studio/performance-oriented course that explores ballet vocabulary, technique and history. The course familiarizes students with little or no ballet experience with basic ballet movement concepts and styles.

Course Fees: $60

MU 351. Dance II. (1 Credit)

A studio/performance-oriented course that explores contemporary vocabulary, technique and history. The course familiarizes students with little or no contemporary dance experience with basic contemporary dance movement concepts and styles.

Course Fees: $60

MU 357. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 358. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 359. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course number reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances. The courses are discipline specific with variable credit and when offered, they are identified by department content and credit.

Course Fees: $60

MU 361. Orchestration and Arranging. (2 Credits)

The study of the skills of instrumental scoring and arranging for various small and large groups. Transpositions, tone colors, blends, and techniques of instrumentation and arranging are learned, as well as computer notation programs. Prerequisite: MU 202.

Course Fees: $60

MU 363. Form and Analysis. (3 Credits)

Music of various periods is analyzed formally, harmonically, and contrapuntally. Prerequisite: MU 202. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 367. String Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 369. Special Course. (1-6 Credits)

Course number reserved for special courses offered from time to time in response to special circumstances. The courses are discipline specific with variable credit and when offered, they are identified by department content and credit.

Course Fees: $60

MU 372. Survey of Music Technology. (3 Credits)

This course addresses the broad topic of technology as it pertains to the study, teaching, and performance of music. This includes consideration of cross-disciplinary computer hardware and software, digital video and audio equipment and software, electronic sound equipment, MIDI concepts and related software programs, music-engraving software, as well as historical considerations in the development of technology for the teaching/learning process. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 377. Woodwind Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 381. Elementary School Music Methods. (3 Credits)

Basic music experiences in the elementary and middle school, including listening, singing, playing, moving, creating, and reading activities, and Dalcroze, Kodaly and Orff techniques. Prerequisite: ABI/FBI background clearance.

Course Fees: $60

MU 382. Fundamentals of Conducting. (2 Credits)

This course serves as an introduction to the craft of music conducting, beginning with the basics of conducting gesture as it relates to choral, orchestral, and wind ensembles. The course emphasizes the problems of obtaining nuance, rhythmic precision, and subtle accentuation through one's conducting technique. Competencies addressed include baton technique.

Course Fees: $60

MU 383. Instrumental Conducting. (2 Credits)

Advanced instruction emphasizing the problems of obtaining nuance, rhythmic precision, and subtle accentuation through one's baton technique as related to instrumental ensembles. Prerequisite: MU 382. (Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 384. Choral Conducting. (2 Credits)

Advanced instruction emphasizing the problems of obtaining nuance, rhythmic precision, and subtle accentuation through one’s conducting technique, as related to choral ensembles. Prerequisite: MU 382.

Course Fees: $60

MU 387. Guitar Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 389. On-Campus Internship. (3 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 391. History of Musical Theater. (3 Credits)

This course gives students the opportunity to evaluate, examine, and compare the evolution of the American musical from origins (operetta, minstrel shows, vaudeville, Tin Pan Alley) to Golden Age musicals to contemporary musicals. Students will examine major composers, lyricists, librettists, producers, directors, choreographers, and performing artists who contributed to the development of the musical through readings, audio and video recordings, and discussions.

Course Fees: $60

MU 392. Instrumental Literature and Pedagogy. (2 Credits)

A study of instrumental literature from the pre-Baroque to the twentieth century including analysis, performance techniques, teaching techniques, materials, practices and theories for the student's major instrument. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 393. Instrumental Techniques. (2 Credits)

Techniques of developing successful marching and concert bands. Prerequisite: ABI/FBI background clearance.

Course Fees: $60

MU 394. Choral Techniques. (2 Credits)

Organization and administration of choral activities in middle and secondary schools. Prerequisite: ABi/FBI background clearance.

Course Fees: $60

MU 397. Vocal Pedagogy. (2 Credits)

Study of respiration, phonation, articulation, registration, and resonance; concepts and techniques of singing. Includes listening to recordings, viewing videotapes, and studio observation. Prerequisite: MU 111 or departmental approval. (Fall, even-numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

MU 398. Vocal Literature. (2 Credits)

Study of the major American, English, French, and German composers of solo vocal literature from the Baroque to the present, their style characteristics, and overall contributions to the body of vocal literature known as art song. Includes listening to recordings and general survey of literature for all voice classifications. Prerequisite: departmental approval. (Spring, odd numbered years)

Course Fees: $60

MU 399. Departmental Service Learning. (1-6 Credits)

This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to integrate academic learning about vital service issues within a specific discipline with service work addressing those issues. This course may be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Approval of supervising department required. (Offered upon sufficient demand.)

Course Fees: $60

MU 403. Music of Twentieth Century. (2 Credits)

A survey of contemporary composers, their products, and their stylistic tendencies. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 404. Una Voce. (1 Credit)

A small vocal ensemble where students are selected by audition from Collegiate Singers or by departmental approval. Two rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated once with the exception of 404 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 405. University Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of literature for the band. Five class periods of rehearsal per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 405 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 406. Jazz Band. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of popular music. Students are selected for the Jazz Band by audition and have two rehearsals per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 406 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 408. Opera/Musical Theater. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of opera and musical theater repertoire. Three afternoon rehearsals per week with occasional additional rehearsals added as needed. Each course number may be repeated only once with the exception of 408 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Admission by audition only.

Course Fees: $60

MU 409. Shoals Symphony at UNA. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of orchestral music. Two class periods of rehearsal per week. Students are selected by audition. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 409 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 410. Collegiate Singers. (1 Credit)

Specialized study and performance of choral music. Students are selected for the Collegiate Singers by audition and have four rehearsal periods per week. Each number may be repeated only once with the exception of 410 which may be repeated more than once with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 411. Voice. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 412. Piano. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval. Prerequisite: assignment by departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 413. Organ. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 414. Brass. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 415. Percussion. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 416. Strings. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 417. Woodwinds. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 418. Guitar. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 419. Senior Recital. (1-2 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 423. Composition. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in voice, instruments and composition by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with five hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated in each area with departmental approval.

Course Fees: $60

MU 424. Harp. (1,2 Credits)

Course Fees: $60

MU 425. Alexander Technique. (1-2 Credits)

Individual instruction in Alexander Technique by arrangement. One credit hour for each half-hour lesson per week, with six hours preparation required for each lesson; may be taken for one or two credit hours; and may be repeated with departmental approval. Prerequisites: MU 125, MU 225 and MU 325.

Course Fees: $60

MU 427. Chamber Choir. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 437. Keyboard Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 442. Organ Literature and Materials. (3 Credits)

An examination of an extensive amount of music for organ, and of the composers and their backgrounds. Two class periods per week. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 443. Organ Pedagogy. (3 Credits)

Principles, philosophy, psychology, and professional ethics of the private organ teacher; materials, standards, and studio recitals, parental school and community relationships. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 444. Secondary School Music Methods. (3 Credits)

A practical comprehensive course designed to help the prospective music teacher in the secondary school; includes curriculum, evaluation, and teaching methods.Prerequisite: ABI/FBI background clearance. (Fall)

Course Fees: $60

MU 445. Piano Literature and Materials. (3 Credits)

An examination of an extensive amount of music for piano, and of the composers and their backgrounds. Two class periods per week. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 446. Piano Pedogogy. (3 Credits)

Principles, philosophy, psychology, and professional ethics of the private piano teacher; materials, musical standards, and studio recitals, parental, school, and community relationships. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 447. Brass Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 457. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 458. Percussion Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 467. String Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 477. Woodwind Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 487. Guitar Ensemble. (1 Credit)

The study and performance of chamber music on various instruments. Each class had one rehearsal period per week for one credit hour. Each course in each area represents a sequence of progression in assignment by departmental approval. (Fall, Spring)

Course Fees: $60

MU 490. Special Topics. (1-3 Credits)

Topics selected with the approval of the department head. May be repeated but not to exceed a total of three semester hours. (Offered on sufficient demand)

Course Fees: $60

MU 495. Music Practicum. (3 Credits)

Selected problems and practice emphasizing actual professional work situations in commercial music, sacred music, performance, and music education through special study, projects or field experience under departmental supervision and evaluation. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Course Fees: $60