PY - Psychology (PY)
*Course Fees are Per Credit Hour
*Psychology 201 is prerequisite to all other courses in psychology.
PY 1XX. Psychology Elective. (1-3 Credits)
PY 201. General Psychology. (3 Credits)
An introductory survey of major content areas in psychology: learning, sensory and perceptual processes, motivation, physiological bases of behavior, social behavior, abnormal behavior, and methods of psychology. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Course Fees: $60
PY 201H. Honors General Psychology. (3 Credits)
An in-depth survey of the major content areas in psychology: learning, memory, sensory and perceptual process, motivation and emotion, the physiological bases of behavior, social behavior, abnormal behavior, and methods of psychology. Course open to all students in the Honors College and other students with prior approval of the Department of Psychology. (Fall)
Course Fees: $60
PY 242. Psychology of Adjustment. (3 Credits)
The concept of adjustment and factors which influence social and emotional behavior. The applications of adjustment to schools, industries, social agencies, family groups, and to psychiatric and penal institutions. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 250. Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity. (3 Credits)
This course introduces the topic of diversity and multiculturalism to students through the lens of psychological and sociological theories and principles. This course will examine definitions of diversity and inclusion; the development of individual and group identities; the impact of inclusion and exclusion in education, politics, the workplace, and the media; and the importance of a diverse-focused leadership mindset. (Fall)
Course Fees: $60
PY 302. Abnormal Psychology. (3 Credits)
A survey of the etiology, symptomatology, dynamics, and treatment of major psychological disorders. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Course Fees: $60
PY 321. Learning. (3 Credits)
A study of the basic problems, theories, concepts, and research in the areas of human and animal learning. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Fall, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 344. Developmental Psychology. (3 Credits)
The study of the behavioral, perceptual, cognitive, and personality changes that occur in humans as a function of maturation and aging. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 350. Psychology of Adult Development and Aging. (3 Credits)
A survey of the sensory, cognitive, personality, and interpersonal characteristics of older individuals and the factors that relate to them. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 361. Physiological Psychology. (3 Credits)
A study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous, sensory, and glandular systems as related to psychological function. Prerequisites: PY 201, BI 101 or BI 111 or BI 241 or CH 101 or CH 111 . (Fall, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 375. Psychological Statistics. (3 Credits)
Descriptive and inferential statistics; survey of intermediate statistics and experimental design, with emphasis on application and interpretation. Prerequisites: MA 147 and PY 201. (Fall, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 385. Cognitive Psychology. (3 Credits)
A survey of the major principles and theories of cognitive psychology including memory, attention, reasoning, problem solving, language, creativity, and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 415. Personality. (3 Credits)
A survey of the major theories of personality, with some emphasis on development, description, assessment, and the experimental study of personality. Recommended: MA 147. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 424. Evolutionary Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course presents the major theories and findings regarding the relationship of natural selection to morphology and behavior. Among the topics to be covered are the processes of evolution and genetics, the prehistorical evolutionary environment, survival, mate selection and retention, parenting, kinship, social behavior, aggression, conflict, and other topics. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 425. History and Systems of Psychology. (3 Credits)
An historical introduction to the ideas and contributions to psychological thought and knowledge. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 435. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (3 Credits)
Application of psychological principles to problems of personnel selection and placement, industrial training, and human relations in business and industry. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 442. Social Psychology. (3 Credits)
The psychology of groups and their influences on the individual. Also listed as SO 442 but creditable only in field for which registered. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 444. Psychology of Religion. (3 Credits)
A survey of the history and development of the psychology of religion with an emphasis on the empirical research within the field. Prerequisites: PY 201. (Offered on sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 450. Psychology of Close Relationships. (3 Credits)
This course is designed as an overview to the field of close relationships. It will include psychological research techniques used in the study of close relationships, the current theories of close relationships, including examinations of attachment, interdependence, cognitive, and evolutionary approaches. It will also address experimental and other research on topics such as interpersonal attraction, how relationships are developed and maintained, infidelity, violence and jealousy in relationships, and how relations impact health. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 451. Introduction to Psychological Tests. (3 Credits)
A course designed to introduce the essential characteristics of psychological tests, including types, development, standardization, validation, uses, and interpretation. Recommended: MA 147. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 454. Introduction to Developmental Disabilities. (3 Credits)
This course introduces students to key concepts and perspectives in the field of developmental and intellectual disabilities, and encourages them to think critically about those issues. The course will explore issues related to prevalence, etiology, treatment, and prognosis using a multiple stakeholder perspective. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Odd-numbered years, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 455. Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on how environmental events influence behavior, and behavior analytic strategies by which behavior may be changed. General topics to be covered include principles of learning, single-subject design methods, skills training and stimulus control techniques, and how to plan, develop, and implement behavior change programs across a variety of populations, settings, and behaviors. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Fall, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 456. Research Methods and Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course will address single-subject designs and methods common to behavior analytic assessments and interventions, as well as the ethical issues and responsibilities of behavior analysts. The focus will be on behavioral assessment, experimental evaluation, and the measurement, display, and interpretation of single-subject data sets. Ethical decision-making processes will also be emphasized, and the relationship between ethics and law will be explored. Prerequisites: PY 201, PY 455. (Fall, Odd-numbered years)
Course Fees: $60
PY 457. Behavioral Interventions. (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide students with a background in applied behavior analysis with advanced knowledge of behavior-analytic interventions designed to promote appropriate behaviors and decrease aberrant responses. The course will examine different strategies that behavior analysts have used to conduct interventions, including clinic, classroom, center and home-based strategies. Prerequisites: PY 201, PY 455. (Odd-numbered years, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 458. Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course builds upon the basic principles of learning and applied behavior analysis. The course will offer advanced coverage of special topics, including: (a) practicing behavior analysis in applied setting such as schools and hospitals, (b) conducting parent training, (c) verbal behavior, (d) managing problem behaviors such as self-injury, food refusal, and non-compliance, and (e) dealing with special populations such as children with autism, individuals with traumatic brain injury, and individuals with intellectual disabilities. Prerequisites: PY 201, PY 455. (Even-numbered years, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 459. Personnel Supervision and Management in ABA. (3 Credits)
This course introduces students to a behavior-analytic approach to supervision and personnel management. Topics to be covered include the assessment of personnel skills, competency-based personnel training, monitoring treatment integrity, making data-based and function-based decisions on personnel performance, strategies to improve performance, and the risks of ineffective supervision. Prerequisites: PY 201, PY 455. (Even-numbered years, Fall)
Course Fees: $60
PY 460. Introduction to Clinical Psychology. (3 Credits)
A survey of the models, methods, and professional areas of clinical psychology including an overview of the field, ethical and legal considerations, assessment, intervention, and specialties. Prerequisite: PY 201. Recommended: PY 302, PY 451. (Offered on sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 465W. Experimental Psychology. (3 Credits)
Experimental methods and descriptive methods, techniques, and apparatus involved in the study of behavior: physiological processes and mental processes, laboratory work designed to demonstrate basic scientific principles and processes in psychology. Prerequisites: PY 201 and PY 375. (Fall, Spring)
Course Fees: $60
PY 470. Health Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course examines how biopsychosocial factors influence various aspects of health. Topics to be covered: theories of health behavior, stress, coping with health and stress, substance use and abuse, body weight issues, coping and management of pain as well as biopsychosocial aspects of pain and disease. Other topics to be covered are biopsychosocial factors in the promotion and maintenance of health, types of health care interactions, and compliance with health care recommendations. Some attention will be paid to topics in behavioral medicine. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 480. Forensic Psychology. (3 Credits)
Forensic Psychology is a sub-discipline that represents the intersection of psychology and the law. Through discussion of real cases and trials, along with other examples of the legal system in action, students will get a sense of how research and theory can deepen our understanding of suspects, criminals, police, victims, lawyers, witnesses, judges, jurors, and the legal process. The focus of the course will be understanding how psychological science is used to reduce crime, improve legal decision making, and promote justice. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 490. Topics in Psychology. (3 Credits)
A detailed study of a particular topic of special interest. Topics will vary but will be listed in the schedule of classes and on the student's transcripts. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Prerequisite: PY 201. (Offered upon sufficient demand)
Course Fees: $60
PY 495. Psychology Capstone Project. (1-3 Credits)
The objective of the course is to allow the student to design and complete a capstone research project over more than one semester/term. The project can have either an empirical focus, an applied focus, or a theoretical focus. This course is offered primarily to seniors under the direction of a psychology professor. The activities of the student, the timeline for completion of the project, and evaluation of project will be determined by consultation with the professor of record for the course. A written completed project will be submitted. Arrangements with faculty member(s) must occur during the prior semester before registering for this course. May be repeated to a maximum of three credit hours. Open to Psychology Majors. Department chair approval required. Prerequisite: PY 201.
Course Fees: $60
PY 496. Psychology Exit Exam. (0 Credits)
Students take the Major Field Test (MFT) in Psychology. Students are required to pass this exam for graduation. (Fall, Spring)
PY 497. Psychology Practicum. (1-3 Credits)
Individual service experience in a variety of applied settings related to psychology. Course will include on-site experience (45 clock hours per credit hour), meetings with selected faculty, and writing assignments related to the service. Students are responsible for selecting a community setting and consulting with faculty member(s) who agree(s) to supervise the experience in that setting. Arrangements with faculty member(s) and placement must occur during the prior semester before registering for this course. May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours. A maximum of six semester hours from PY 497, PY 498, and PY 499 may be applied to fulfill the requirements for the psychology major. International students must receive approval from the Office of International Affairs prior to course registration. Prerequisites: PY 201, psychology major with at least junior status, permission of department chair.
Course Fees: $60
PY 498. Psychology Directed Study. (1-3 Credits)
Provides for independent study in an area of psychology that is generally not offered in a catalogued class under departmental determination, supervision, and evaluation. Students are responsible for consulting with faculty member(s) who agree(s) to direct the study. Arrangements with faculty member(s) must occur during the prior semester before registering for this course. May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours. A maximum of six semester hours from PY 497, PY 498, and PY 499 may be applied to fulfill the requirements for the psychology major. Prerequisites: PY 201, psychology major with at least junior status, permission of department chair.
Course Fees: $60
PY 499. Psychology Directed Research. (1-3 Credits)
Provides for independent research projects under departmental determination, supervision, and evaluation. Students are responsible for consulting with faculty member(s) who agree(s) to direct the research. Arrangements with faculty member(s) must occur during the prior semester before registering for this course. May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours. A maximum of six semester hours from PY 497, PY 498, and PY 499 may be applied to fulfill the requirements for the psychology major. Prerequisites: PY 201, psychology major with at least junior status, permission of department chair.
Course Fees: $60